Seasonal variation in vertebrate traffic casualties and its implications for ...
Wildlife mortality on roads is a global conservation problem. To implement a cost-effective programme of mitigation measures, it is essential to determine spatial and temporal... -
Carnivore abundance near motorways related to prey and roadkills.
Landscape disturbance by roads may increase abundance of prey in verges (i.e., strips of terrain adjacent to roadways) or create other features that can attract carnivores and... -
Green infrastructure, ecosystem services and road network in Spain.
According to EU Strategy, the green infrastructure (GI) is “a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and... -
Do roads act as a barrier to gene flow of subterranean small mammals? A case ...
Road-barrier effects can lead to population isolation, with consequent negative outcomes for individuals and populations. Small mammals have been identified as particularly... -
Response of carnivores to existing highway culverts and underpasses: implicat...
Roads with high traffic volumes are a source of animal mortality, can disrupt normal animal movements and dispersal, and may represent a potentially serious threat to wildlife... -
Distribution of birds in fragments of Mediterranean forests: the role of ecol...
This paper evaluates the role of ecological densities (densities in a given habitat) in predicting the ability of forest passerines to occupy fragments of eight oak Quercus spp.... -
El lobo en Asturias.
Se investigaron las causas de mortalidad de 73 lobos entre 1980 y 1986, siendo los atropellos la causa de muerte en un lobo (1,4%). Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna,... -
Beware that the lack of wildlife mortality records can mask a serious impact ...
Linear infrastructures (e.g. roads, railways or power lines) promote a myriad of negative impacts on wildlife around the world, of which direct mortality is the most visible... -
Impactes das vias rodoviárias na fauna silvestre. Relatório final.
Apresenta-se o relatório final do projecto Avaliar o impacto da mortalidade em populações de vertebrados em estradas do Alto Alentejo, e sua relação com o uso de passagens... -
Aspectos ambientales del impacto acústico: evaluación y corrección mediante e...
Aspectos ambientales del impacto acústico: evaluación y corrección mediante el uso de pantalla antirruido. Palabras clave: Carretera, Mitigación, Barrera acústica -
Internal structure and patterns of contraction in the geographic range of the...
We use reports obtained in a field survey to characterize the internal structure, and to reconstruct the strong contraction in the geographic range of the Iberian lynx Lynx... -
Colisiones entre vehículos y animales de caza mayor. Una aproximación al prob...
Se examinaron las colisiones entre coches y corzos, ciervos y jabalis. Se estimaron 1.500-2.500 colisiones/año en España. Las características temporales y la distribución... -
Impacto de dos tipos de barreras sobre una población de lobos.
Hemos analizado la influencia de dos tipos de barreras sobre una población de lobos en un área agrícola de Castilla y León. Las barreras son: 1) La autovía A-6, de 4 carriles,... -
Patrones de distribución invernal de los micromamíferos roedores en encinares...
Patrones de distribución invernal de los micromamíferos roedores en encinares fragmentados. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos, Roedores -
Landscape fragmentation caused by the transport network in Navarra (Spain): t...
Landscape fragmentation caused by the main transport infrastructure network in Navarra (north of Spain) is analysed on both regional and local scales. Regional scale analysis... -
Carreteres i conservació de la biodiversitat: oportunitats per a la desfragme...
Carreteres i conservació de la biodiversitat: oportunitats per a la desfragmentació d’hàbitats en el manteniment de les vies existents. -
Woody colonization of road embankments: a large spatial scale survey in centr...
Planting of woody species is a commonly used method to restore road embankments. Given the importance of road verges as potential corridors and refuge for biodiversity, natural... -
Influencia de la fragmentación forestal sobre las comunidades de carnívoros d...
Influencia de la fragmentación forestal sobre las comunidades de carnívoros de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Comunidad, Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos -
The influence of site factors and proximity of adjacent vegetation on tree re...
Many studies have shown evidence of very rapid natural colonization of trees on roadslopes. Tree colonization on roadslopes can be a useful tool in the ecological restoration of... -
Heterogeneous road networks have no apparent effect on the genetic structure ...
Roads are widely recognized to represent a barrier to individual movements and, conversely, verges can act as potential corridors for the dispersal of many small mammals. Both...