Impact of roads on environmental protected areas: analysis and comparison of ...
The present study focuses on evaluating the effect of fragmentation caused by road infrastructures on a territory with singular characteristics such as low population density... -
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte...
Efectos de borde y efectos en el margen de las infraestructuras de transporte y atenuación de su impacto sobre la biodiversidad. -
LIFE SAFE-CROSSING: a new international project for preventing large carnivor...
The presence of roads has a significant impact on wildlife conservation, since it is as an important cause of direct mortality of individuals as well as a factor of habitat... -
Modelo de hábitat en los corredores utilizados para la dispersión por el linc...
En este informe se comparan las tasas de cruce de jovenes de lince ibérico durante la fase de dispersión a través de varios tipos de carreteras. Todos los individuos que se... -
Case studies on the effect of local road and verge features on ungulate-vehic...
Case studies on the effect of local road and verge features on ungulate-vehicles collisions. -
Relative value of riparian woodlands in landscapes with different forest cove...
This study analyses the role of riparian woodland in the conservation of five common carnivore species as compared with other non-riparian habitats according to woodland cover... -
Meta‐analysis of the effectiveness of marked wire in reducing avian collision...
Collisions of birds with power transmission and distribution lines have been documented for many species, and cause millions of casualties worldwide. Attempts to reduce... -
Edge effects on nest predation in Mediterranean fragmented forests.
Edge effects on nest predation in Mediterranean fragmented forests. Palabras clave: Bird, Edge, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat fragmentation -
Integración de la carretera en el medio natural - afecciones a los ecosistemas.
Integración de la carretera en el medio natural - afecciones a los ecosistemas. Palabras clave: Ecosistema, Evaluación de impacto ambiental -
Testing pole barriers as feasible mitigation measure to avoid bird vehicle co...
Numbers of bird vehicle collisions (BVCs) exceed several millions per year per country in Europe and North America. However, in contrast with the advances achieved in reducing...