Wildlife crossing structures. An effective strategy to restore or maintain wi...
Context: Wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVC) are one of the major risk factors for the safety of drivers, as well as a great danger to wildlife that moves through the territory.... -
Clusters of traffic accidents caused by ungulates: identification and evaluat...
Animal Vehicle Collisions (AVC) often show a pattern of aggregation, with clusters along conflictive road stretches. Road traffic safety is diminished in these hotspots, due to... -
Plantacions en obres lineals viàries: recomanacions per a la seva integració ...
Plantacions en obres lineals viàries: recomanacions per a la seva integració ambiental. Palabras clave: Paisatge -
El plan de manejo del lince en el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Memoria recapitu...
Since late 1982 until february 1998, 63 Iberian lynx were found dead or injured in Doñana and surrounding areas. In 19 cases car casualties was the cause of mortality, and in... -
Application of four wildlife studies to the design of a high speed railway in...
Application of four wildlife studies to the design of a high speed railway in Spain. Palabras clave: Amphibian, Biodiversity, Bird, Environmental impact assessment, High-speed... -
Memoria anual de actividades y resultados.Parque Nacional de Doñana. 1995
La mortalidad contrastada durante el año fue de 10 ejemplares: 6 atropellos (3 en la C-442 entre el Acebuche y Las Poleosas; 1 en la H-612 a la altura del Alamillo; 1 en la... -
Fatal attraction of short-tailed shearwaters to artificial lights.
Light pollution is increasing around the world and altering natural nightscapes with potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. A severe ecological perturbation caused... -
Can we model wolf-vehicle collisions? Using a logistic model with corrections...
The studies about large carnivore road-kills are scarce despite this being one of the main causes of mortality. This absence can be explained partly because of difficulties in... -
Radio-muestreo y mortalidad del águila imperial y el lince en el Parque Nacio...
Radio-muestreo y mortalidad del águila imperial y el lince en el Parque Nacional de Doñana y su entorno. Palabras clave: Aves rapaces, Lince, Mortalidad -
Efectos de la fragmentación sobre las aves insectívoras forestales de dos loc...
Efectos de la fragmentación sobre las aves insectívoras forestales de dos localidades europeas. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosque, Fragmentación -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Frequencies of vertebrate road casualties in Barcelona province (NE Spain): mammals (50%), birds (27%), reptiles (12%), and amphibians (8%). Domestic mammals were the most... -
Mortandad de vertebrados terrestres en la carretera nacional 332 a su paso po...
Survey of vertebrate road kills in Santa Pola, Alicante province, E Spain. A 6-km stretch of the national road N-332 was surveyed twice a month, one year-round. Bats were the... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados en líneas de ferrocarril.
Document deals basically with animals that are either run over or are electrocuted by lines. -
Effects of low and medium traffic roads on bat activity and species richness.
The adverse effects of roads on bats are a recent and still poorly documented issue. Most of the research focuses on characterizing locations of bat collisions and the factors... -
Mitigation measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity.
Roads and traffic impact wildlife in a variety of ways. In some animal populations, they enhance mortality, limit mobility, fragment populations, and decrease... -
Restauración ecológica de áreas afectadas por infraestructuras de transporte....
Restauración ecológica de áreas afectadas por infraestructuras de transporte. Bases científicas para soluciones técnicas. Palabras clave: Planificación de las infraestructuras,... -
How do roads affect the ecological processes and biodiversity? – summing up a...
Roads affects ecological processes at a range of spatial scales, and studies document both negative and positive effects on natural capital and ecological processes. Still there... -
Are motorways potential stressors of roadside wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus)...
Linear infrastructures represent one of the most important human impacts on natural habitats and exert several effects on mammal populations. Motorways are recognized as a major... -
Habitat suitability vs landscape connectivity determining roadkill risk at a ...
Collisions between wildlife and vehicles represent the main conflict between infrastructures and ecosystems. Road mortality is the largest single cause of death for many... -
Assessing the relative effect of road- and carcass-related factors on searche...
Carcass counts along roads can notably underestimate the number of wildlife casualties due to several sources of bias, including observers’ inability to detect carcasses during...