Protected Areas of the Natura 2000 Network - API - High Value Data
Natura 2000 es una red ecológica europea de áreas de conservación de la biodiversidad. Consta de Zonas Especiales de Conservación (ZEC) establecidas de acuerdo con la Directiva... -
Sexennial report on the implementation of the Habitats Directive in Spain 201...
The Habitats Directive requires each State to prepare a six-year report on the measures it has adopted to comply with it. In Spain, this commitment is also an express mandate of... -
Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA)
The European inventory of Nationally designated areas holds information about designated areas and their designation types, which directly or indirectly create protected areas.... -
Wildlife roadkills: improving knowledge about ungulate distributions?
Traffic reports (TR) about wildlife-vehicle collisions drafted by traffic safety authorities or the departments of transportation constitute a source of information only rarely... -
Avian roadkills occur regardless of bird evolutionary uniqueness across Europe.
Through an extensive literature review and using a large dataset collected from several European studies, we explored the frequency of occurrence of road bird casualties. First,... -
A meta-analysis of carcass disappearance field experiments in conservation bi...
The exponential development of human infrastructures causes mortality in thousands of wildlife species. In order to evaluate its impact in population dynamics, we need to... -
Incidencia de atropellos de mamíferos silvestres no cinegéticos en la red via...
La red viaria se ha identificado como un importante agen-te antrópico de transformación ambiental que supone una amenaza para laconservación de la fauna silvestre y genera una... -
Banco de datos y centro de documentación acerca de la mortalidad de vertebrad...
Presentation of a database containing 369 references on vertebrate road mortality. Se describe una base de datos que contiene 369 referencias de mortalidad de vertebrados por... -
Identification methods and deterministic factors of owl roadkill hotspot loca...
Road fatalities are among the major causes of mortality for Strigiformes species and may affect the population's survival. The use of mitigation strategies must be considered to... -
Mobile mapping system (MMS2) for detecting roadkills.
Roads affect negatively wildlife, from direct mortality to habitat fragmentation. Mortality caused by collision with vehicles on roads is a major threat to many species.... -
Carnivores. Struggling for survival in roaded landscapes.
Carnivores are a diverse group of wildlife that occur in most environments around the world. Large, wide-ranging carnivores play key ecological roles in natural systems. They... -
Factores que afectan a la subestimación diferencial de las colisiones de aves...
El conteo de cadáveres infravalora la tasa de colisión de aves debido a tres fuentes de sesgo: detección imperfecta, retirada de cadáveres por carroñeros y dispersión de... -
Los efectos de las carreteras sobre los vertebrados terrestres.
Los efectos de las carreteras sobre los vertebrados terrestres. Palabras clave: Vertebrados -
Contrasting wolf responses to different paved roads and traffic volume levels.
In some regions of the world, large carnivores, such as wolves, persist in landscapes with dense networks of paved roads. However, beyond the general impacts of roads on... -
Patterns of carnivore road casualties in Southern Portugal.
We examined spatial patterns of carnivore casualties by counting the number of animals killed on 574 km of national roads and highways in southern Portugal. We surveyed six... -
Seasonal variation in vertebrate traffic casualties and its implications for ...
Wildlife mortality on roads is a global conservation problem. To implement a cost-effective programme of mitigation measures, it is essential to determine spatial and temporal... -
Carnivore abundance near motorways related to prey and roadkills.
Landscape disturbance by roads may increase abundance of prey in verges (i.e., strips of terrain adjacent to roadways) or create other features that can attract carnivores and... -
Green infrastructure, ecosystem services and road network in Spain.
According to EU Strategy, the green infrastructure (GI) is “a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and... -
Do roads act as a barrier to gene flow of subterranean small mammals? A case ...
Road-barrier effects can lead to population isolation, with consequent negative outcomes for individuals and populations. Small mammals have been identified as particularly... -
Response of carnivores to existing highway culverts and underpasses: implicat...
Roads with high traffic volumes are a source of animal mortality, can disrupt normal animal movements and dispersal, and may represent a potentially serious threat to wildlife...