Seguimiento de los cambios de usos y su influencia en las comunidades natural...
En los espacios mediterráneos, los patrones globales de cambio en el uso y aprovechamiento del territorio apuntan a una polarización general de los usos, en un extremo las... -
Population dynamics and relationship with environmental conditions of three s...
Blooms of jellyfishes are perceived to have increased during the last decades causing interference with human activities of both recreational and professional type. Those blooms... -
Multi-criteria assessment of a proposed ecotourism, environmental education a...
Coastal lagoons host important values and provide irreplaceable services to society. Communication areas with the sea (gullets, 'golas' in Spanish) are dynamic environments with... -
The case of Mar Menor eutrophication: State of the art and description of tes...
The Mar Menor (SE Spain), the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon of the Mediterranean basin, suffers a severe eutrophication crisis due to the nutrients that receives from the... -
Bathymetry Time Series Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
The use of the new generation of remote sensors, such as echo sounders and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers with differential correction installed in a drone,... -
El colapso del Mar Menor: historia de una joya ecológica maltratada
El Mar Menor era, hasta hace pocos años, una laguna costera de aguas cristalinas, poco profunda, hipersalina y oligotrófica, o lo que es lo mismo, pobre en nutrientes. Todas... -
Hacia un enfoque espacial multidimensional para analizar los cambios geográfi...
To enable more effective monitoring of sustainable development for meeting targets of the 2030 agenda, new methods of assessment is required to better understand the spatial... -
Integrated management in coastal lagoons of highly complexity environments: R...
Enclosed coastal seas are usually high environmental value territories that are located, in many cases, in developed countries often subjected to a large catalog of anthropic... -
Análisis Estratégico de los Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos de Lagunas Costeras: Lo...
The present work has realized an integrated analysis of the pressures that affect the state of ecosystems and their services, as well as of the management mechanisms car- ried... -
Correlation between Land Transformation and Climate Change with Flooding Vuln...
The combination formed by the intense transformation of the territory and climate change in the Spanish Mediterranean basins has configured an explosive cocktail from the point... -
Arte y Ciencia para un Paisaje en Crisis: Caso de Estudio del Proyecto Cartog...
A partir del método de cristalización sensible de Erhenfried Pfeiffer, el proyecto artístico Cartografías de la metamorfosis expone la vitalidad, en forma de grafismos... -
Programa de seguimiento de eutrofización en la laguna costera Mar Menor
El objetivo general del programa es la detección y caracterización de episodios de eutrofización en el Mar Menor y su evolución, en la columna de agua. De acuerdo con esto,... -
Los regantes del Campo de Cartagena queremos la recuperación del Mar Menor
Los regantes del Campo de Cartagena estamos muy preocupados por la situación actual en la que se encuentra el Mar Menor, llevamos años proponiendo soluciones, muchas de ellas... -
Assessment of sediment metal contamination in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (S...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon is one of the largest of the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient mining activities in the mountains near its southern basin have resulted in metal... -
Long term evolution of fisheries in a coastal lagoon related to changes in la...
Mediterranean coastal lagoons are among the most productive of marine ecosystems but, at the same time, they are strongly affected by anthropogenic pressures that could alter... -
This lagoon is effectively a person, new Spanish law says
Only a few years ago, the clear, shallow waters of Mar Menor, a saltwater lagoon off eastern Spain that is Europe’s largest, hosted a robust population of the highly endangered... -
The Stenohaline Seagrass Posidonia oceanica Can Persist in Natural Environmen...
The Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica is generally regarded as a stenohaline species, highly sensitive to salinity increments; however, in a few particular... -
Heavy metals in the sediments of two Spanish coastal systems and their transf...
Trace metals are one of the group of pollutants considered in the European Directives (WFD) and the Marine Strategies as potential toxicants and their levels should be... -
Mobilisation of AS and trace metals in saline, acidic Sopolic Technosols: the...
Purpose The aim of this work was to study the risk of As and metal pollution in saline wetlands affected by slightly acidic mine wastes, in the presence or absence of a plant... -
Potentially toxic element input into Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) through...
Mar Menor, on the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain, is a coastal lagoon with a surface of 135 km2 , surrounded by agriculture fields and several towns, that support an...