Reply: Modeling scenarios of population response to roads as a conservation r...
Wildlife is under increasing pressure from environmental change, including habitat loss and fragmentation with increasing additional non-natural mortality due to roads. To... -
Monitoring the expansion of alien species along roads with remote sensing.
Invasive species are one of the most important threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. Monitoring invasion status is necessary for the implementation of mitigation measures and... -
Validation data is needed to support modelling in road ecology.
Roads and other linear transportation infrastructures are among the most ubiquitous human-made features on the globe, causing several pernicious negative effects on biodiversity... -
Threatened vascular flora of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain).
Threatened flora of Sierra Nevada (2100 vascular taxa -species and subspecies- catalogued, which means 30% of the entire vascular flora of Iberian Peninsula) has been studied.... -
A global map of roadless areas and their conservation status.
Roads fragment landscapes and trigger human colonization and degradation of ecosystems, to the detriment of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. The planet’s remaining large... -
Mortalidade de vertebrados terrestres no Canal do Vale da Ribeira de Seda (Ca...
Mortalidade de vertebrados terrestres no Canal do Vale da Ribeira de Seda (Cabeção-Alto Alentejo-Portugal). -
Distribution, status and conservation problems of the wolf Canis lupus in Spain.
The distribution, status and conservation problems of the wolf were studied in 1987 and 1988. The authors recorded 503 human-caused mortality cases, of which shooting was the... -
Ecología del lobo en la Cabrera (León) y la Carballeda (Zamora).
This paper gives the data on the ecology of six radiotracked wolves studied in north Zamora and south León (NW Spain) between 1988 and 1990. Diet, activity, use of the habitat,... -
Prescripciones técnicas para hacer efectivos los seguimientos de las medidas ...
Prescripciones técnicas para hacer efectivos los seguimientos de las medidas de mitigación del efecto barrera de las infraestructuras de transporte (diseño, documentación y... -
Modelo predictivo de accidentes de tráfico con jabalíes y aplicación a la est...
Se estudiaron los 28 lugares donde se produjeron 30 accidentes de tráfico con jabalíes (1997-2002) en un sector de 57 km de longitud de la carretera nacional N-630... -
Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sie...
Non-natural mortality of the lberian lynx in the fragmented population of Sierra de Gata (W Spain). Palabras clave: Fragmentation, Mortality, Mountain, Population -
Protocolo de desfragmentación de hábitats en vías de comunicación y conectivi...
Protocolo de desfragmentación de hábitats en vías de comunicación y conectividad. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Integrating remote sensing data on habitat suitability and functional connect...
Integrating remote sensing data on habitat suitability and functional connectivity to inform multitaxa roadkill mitigation plans. -
Spatial patterns of road kills: a case study in Southern Portugal.
Roads promote high levels of animal-vehicle collisions and have one of the most visible man-made impacts on wildlife. In Portugal, SW Europe, very few ecological studies have... -
Vegetation structure and composition of road verge and meadow sites colonized...
Vegetation structure and composition of road verge and meadow sites colonized by Cabrera vole (Microrus cabrerae Thomas). -
Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en un ambien...
15 translocated roe deer were monitored by radiotracking. Barrier effect caused by the presence of large road network surrounding the mountain area conditioned dispersal. Some... -
Do roads alter the trophic behavior of the mesocarnivore community living clo...
Roads have impacts on the fauna arising from habitat fragmentation, roadkill and the barrier effect. Furthermore, roads lead species to change their activity with repercussions... -
The risk of being hungry: influence of prey availability in verges on predato...
Road verges may provide important refuges for small fauna, particularly when roads cross intensive agricultural or grazed landscapes. In these circumstances, the increasing use... -
Forest management effects on nesting habitat selected by eurasian black vultu...
They studied two recently established colonies of Eurasian Black Vultures (Aegypius monachus). One was located in an abandoned maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) plantation formerly... -
Edge effects and patterns of winter abundance of wood mice Apodemus sylvaticu...
Edge effects and patterns of winter abundance of wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus in Spanish fragmented forests. Palabras clave: Forest, Fragmentation, Mammal, Mouse