Individual spatial responses towards roads: implications for mortality risk.
Background Understanding the ecological consequences of roads and developing ways to mitigate their negative effects has become an important goal for many conservation... -
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds.
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds. Palabras clave: Bird, Collision, Embankment, Mortality -
Wild boar and traffic safety: a major challenge in Europe.
Wild boar and traffic safety: a major challenge in Europe. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna casualty, Highway, Mitigation, Traffic safety, Wild boar -
Changes in otter Lutra lutra distribution in Central Spain in the 1964–1995 p...
The partial recovery of the otter (Lutra lutra) in central Spain is explained by immigration from surrounding areas. Being migratory movements so important for otter... -
Responsibilidad por daños en colisiones de vehículos con animales de caza mayor.
It is discussed, in case of collisions between vehicles and big game in Spain, responsibilities that should be attributed to persons and institutions. These are hunters... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Preliminary frequencies of vertebrate casualties in Toledo province (central Spain): mammals (61%), birds (35%), amphibians (2%), and reptiles (1%). Frecuencias preliminares de... -
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its...
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its relation to road-killing occurences. -
Conclusiones aplicadas y medidas recomendadas.
Conclusiones aplicadas y medidas recomendadas. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Vertebrados -
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Pl...
Fragmentación de los hábitats de la Red Natura 2000 afectados por el PEIT (Plan Estratégico de Infraestructuras y Transporte). -
Predictive models for the location of animal-car accidents and their applicab...
Many provinces in Spain are suffering an increasing number of animal-car collisions in the recent years so as to become one of the main issues to the official bodies with... -
Puntos negros. Criterios de valoración y primeros puntos catalogados.
Definition of black spots. They are plotted in a map for the whole country, from the data base of the CODA survey (the PMVC: Road Vertebrate Mortality Project). Definición de... -
Influence of lunar cycle on amphibian roadkill.
Roads are responsible for thousands of roadkill per year worldwide. Different taxonomic groups are vulnerable to this mortality source, but amphibians are especially vulnerable.... -
Efectos de borde y la eficacia de áreas protegidas en la conservación de mamí...
Road casualties account together with poaching for 85% of mortality causes in the badger population living in Doñana, SW Spain. Los atropellos significan, junto con el... -
New real-time mitigation measures based on animal-vehicle collision spatio-te...
Road ecologists have proposed a wide range of mitigation measures in order to reduce the number of animal-vehicle collisions (AVC). Some measures aim to modify driver behaviour... -
Frontiers for conservation: targeting European borders as conservation areas.
It is widely known that political borders should not hamper wildlife. Conservation actions involving several countries are perceived to bring large-scale benefits to nature... -
Seasonal and interannual occupation of a forest archipelago by insectivorous ...
Seasonal and interannual occupation of a forest archipelago by insectivorous passerines. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Vertebrate -
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte ...
Orientaciones para reducir los efectos de las infraestructuras de transporte en funcionamiento. Palabras clave: Fragmentación, Hábitat -
Algunos efectos de las obras de mejora de la carretera N 121-A, sobre el río ...
The effects of a tunnel construction on the water quality of Ulzama river were investigated. Several physical, chemical and biological parameters were measured at different... -
Habitat quality predicts the distribution of a lizard in fragmented woodlands...
Organisms often face a higher risk of local extinction in fragmented than in continuous habitat. However, whether populations are affected by reduced size and connectivity of...