Fragmentación de hábitats protegidos por infraestructuras viarias de transpor...
La fragmentación de hábitats es tá considerada como una de las principales causas de la actual crisis de biodiversidad. Particularmente, la presencia de infraestructuras... -
Anfibios y carreteras.
As a result of road casualties, amphibian populations are likely to suffer local extinctions, especially where roads intercept routes towards reproductive ponds. The longer the... -
Handbook of Road Ecology.
Winner of the IENE Project Award 2016. This authoritative volume brings together some of the world’s leading researchers, academics, practitioners and transportation agency... -
Is field technician’s work under threat? Video-recoding vs. traditional obser...
Bird collision in high speed railways (HSRs) is a highly topical subject in recent years due to the expansion of this infrastructure. Understanding how birds interact with... -
Seguimiento de la mortalidad de erizos (Erinaceus europaeus) producida por ve...
This study was aimed at monitoring hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) mortality. Study area: a 8-km road stretch in León province (NW Spain) with an average of 2,000 vehicles/day... -
Medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de los impactos directos e ...
En el Campo de Gibraltar confluyen factores que otorgan a la comarca una gran potencialidad de desarrollo en el ámbito autonómico, nacional, europeo e intercontinental. Sin... -
Multispecies landscape functional connectivity enhances local bird species’ d...
Local species assemblages are likely the result of habitat and landscape filtering. However, there is still limited knowledge on how landscape functional connectivity... -
Indices for the spatial assessment of road and traffic impacts on ecosystems.
The increase in roads and traffic through the last century has caused extensive fragmentation of the landscape affecting biodiversity and ecosystem function. Subsequent changes... -
Manual de buenas prácticas medioambientales. Carreteras de Aragón.
Manual de buenas prácticas medioambientales. Carreteras de Aragón. -
Assessing landscape functional connectivity in a forest carnivore using path ...
We aimed to evaluate the role of spatial units with different shapes and sizes on road-kill modeling for small vertebrate species. We used the road-kill records of two reptiles,... -
Aproximación a una normativa de control de los efectos de la contaminación at...
This author suggests the protocol to be followed in order to assess pollution levels along roads. -
Preventing wildlife roadkill can offset mitigation investments in short-mediu...
Wildlife vehicle collisions (WVC) are a threat to wildlife and humans, killing millions of animals of numerous species, as well as causing significant damage to vehicles,... -
Behavioural responses of barn owls and stone martens to highways: do ecologic...
Several studies have documented that owls and carnivores are two taxa highly impacted by road mortality, but little is known whether roads attract or repulse individuals. The... -
Light pollution and seabird fledglings: targeting efforts in rescue programs.
One of the most critical phases in the life of petrels (Procellariiformes) is at fledging when young birds pass from parental dependence on land to an independent life at sea.... -
Aplicación de la tecnología de láser escáner terrestre (TLS) para el estudio ...
Se estudian los procesos erosivos que se desarrollan en la superficie de taludes, a partir de datos ob-tenidos con un Laser Escáner Terrestre (TLS). Se eligieron cinco desmontes... -
Connecting endangered brown bear subpopulations in the Cantabrian Range (nort...
The viability of many species depends on functional connectivity of their populations through dispersal across broad landscapes. This is particularly the case for the endangered... -
Medidas de mejora de pasos de fauna y corrección de puntos negros de atropell...
La carretera C-260 de Figueres a Roses representa un acceso preferente a la Costa Brava, con una IMD próxima a los 25.000 vehículos/día, que se incrementa aún más durante el... -
Hábitat, uso del suelo y situación de la nutria (Lutra lutra) en la cuenca ba...
In southern Spain, otter (Lutra lutra) distribution on a large scale is not only explained by the quality of water or riverbanks, but also by the surrounding land uses. Otters... -
Accidentes de carretera con ungulados cinegéticos en el territorio histórico ...
Analysis of casualties in Álava province (N Spain) involving roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). The involvement of both species in car accidents during a... -
Bird conservation in fragmented mediterranean forests of Spain: effects of ge...
The effects of habitat fragmentation on forest bird assemblages were analysed in 214 holm oak (Quercus ilex) remnants spread across the northern and southern plateaux of central...