Aproximación ecotoxicológica a la contaminación por metales pesados en la lag...
La Tesis trata 5 capítulos individualmente: 1) Descarga de residuos mineros en la laguna costera del Mar Menor: comportamiento y distribución de los metales y toxicidad asociada... -
Aplicación de modelos ecológicos conceptuales para identificar indicadores de...
Aplicación de modelos ecológicos conceptuales para identificar indicadores de seguimiento en la laguna costera del Mar Menor (Murcia, España) -
A model for temperature control of jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) outbre...
Large outbreaks of jellyfish populations sporadically appear at the Mediterranean coasts without any self-evident cause creating public distress because of their impact on local... -
En busca de los pobladores de la Primera Edad del Hierro en el Campo de Carta...
This work presents the first results of the research concerning the area of Cabezo Ventura in Cartagena. This hillock is a predominant feature in Campo de Cartagena, from which... -
The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of im...
Hydrological processes and water resources are increasingly modified by anthropogenic actions, leading to multiple pressures on the environment and related ecosystems. A better... -
Región de Murcia: otra nueva (y decepcionante) vuelta de tuerca normativa en ...
La Región de Murcia sufre alguno de los procesos de degradación ambiental más importantes de España, incluso, de Europa. Además de la destrucción de la Bahía de Portman a causa... -
Simple tools for assessing water quality and trophic status in transitional w...
In this study we have developed an index for assessing trophic status and water quality in transitional aquatic ecosystems of Southern Europe. The index has been developed from... -
Chlorophyll-a forecasting using LSTM, bidirectional LSTM and GRU networks in ...
El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar modelos de predicción precisos para las concentraciones de clorofila-α a varias profundidades en el Mar Menor. La clorofila-α... -
Phosphorus and nitrogen content in the water of a coastal wetland in the mar ...
A study has been conducted in a salt marsh, located in the coast of the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain), in which three watercourses overflow. Water samples were regularly collected... -
The effects of Aphanius iberus predation on an aquatic community: diel change...
The predation effects of a cyprinodontid fish (Aphanius iberus) on the aquatic invertebrate community structure of a Mediterranean shallow system with vegetation were... -
Combined effects of deficit irrigation and crop level on early nectarine trees
A three-year long experiment was implemented in an early nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Flanoba) commercial orchard to evaluate the effects of deficit irrigation and... -
A New Method for Zoning of Coastal Barriers based on Hydro-geomorphological a...
This paper presents a new methodology for the zoning of littoral sand barriers on the basis of their groundwater dynamic responses to the local mean water level (MWL) climate.... -
Assesment of real and perceived cost-effectiveness to inform agricultural dif...
La contaminación difusa del agua es un problema importante en muchos agroecosistemas, especialmente en las zonas de regadío aledañas a ecosistemas de alto valor ecológico. Las... -
Environmental assessment of pig slurry management after local characterizatio...
Due to its environmental impact, pig slurry management is of great importance in the Region of Murcia, Spain, where pig production is considerable. The current slurry management... -
Geophysical characterization of the complex dynamics of groundwater and seawa...
Anthropogenic pressure influences the two-way interactions between shallow aquifers and coastal lagoons. Aquifer overexploitation may lead to seawater intrusion, and aquifer... -
Improving senior tourism in the Mar Menor: an entrepreneurial viewpoint
The senior tourism segment has acquired vital importance in the tourism industry and is characterized by longer stays, less seasonality and greater spending than other segments.... -
The physio-geographical background and ecology of Mar Menor
This book is a major result of the LAGOONS research project (http://lagoons.web.ua.pt). LAGOONS stands for ‘Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European... -
Relationship between heavy metal distribution in sediment samples and their e...
Many studies assessing the quality of sediments and their pollution impact use monitoring data consisting predominantly of chemical indicators. Recently, ecotoxicity estimates... -
Changes induced by water stress on water relations, stomatal behaviour and mo...
The response of different deficit irrigation strategies on physiological and morphological parameters on table grapes (cv. Crimson Seedless) grown in pots was studied three... -
Benthic Diatoms from the Hypersaline Mar Menor coastal lagoon: Taxonomy, phyl...
Introduction and objectives Diatoms are the most abundant group within benthic microalgae that form biofilms in aquatic systems. These communities play a key role in the...