Beyond crippling bias: carcass‐location bias in roadkill studies.
Beyond crippling bias: carcass‐location bias in roadkill studies. -
Impact of culvert flooding on carnivore crossings.
Along many roads worldwide, drainage culverts are the only structures wildlife can safely use to cross. However, culverts inundate and can become unavailable to terrestrial... -
Accounting for connectivity uncertainties in predicting roadkills: a comparat...
Functional connectivity modeling is increasingly used to predict the best spatial location for over- or underpasses, to mitigate road barrier effects and wildlife roadkills.... -
Efecto de borde y distribución espacial de dos especies de micromamíferos en ...
Efecto de borde y distribución espacial de dos especies de micromamíferos en bosques fragmentados. Palabras clave: Borde, Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos -
Island biogeography and ungulate-vehicle collisions. Planning considerations ...
Artificial loss of natural habitats is one of the main threats to the conservation of many animal species. In temperate zones, intensification of... -
Large and non-specific bird mortality in a high-speed railway traversing a Sp...
Human activities alter ecosystems where they are built and they frequently shape in the midor long-term their structure and function. Thus, it is essential to know how new... -
Vertebrate road-kill patterns in Mediterranean habitats: who, when and where.
Road-kill is the most recognized impact of traffic and an important threat for biodiversity. Nevertheless, most research on this topic deals with particular species or with road... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados en el tramo Ourense-Penalba de la CN-120 durante 1989.
Mortality rates of vertebrate groups in one brand new national road in Orense province (NW Spain). A 17-km stretch was surveyed by foot on a weekly basis with the aim to assess... -
The effect of roads on edge permeability and movement patterns for small mamm...
Increased edge density is among the main negative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation. Roads are linear infrastructures that may promote barrier effects due to disturbance... -
Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in s...
A major target for environmental managers when trying to minimise the road-barrier effect on wildlife is to improve permeability to animal movements. Previous studies have... -
El lobo en Cantabria.
Causes of mortality of 42 wolves between 1973 and 1981 were investigated: 0 casualties. Between 1985 and 1987 (n=43) only one road casualty was detected. Se investigaron las... -
Tanteando en la oscuridad – efectividad de las medidas viarias para la mitiga...
En las últimas décadas los esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto potencial de las infraestructuras de transporte en la vida silvestre se han vuelto cada vez más importantes. Se ha... -
The effects of forest fragmentation on butterfly communities in central Spain.
In a mosaic landscape in Guadalajara province (central Spain) butterfly diversity was positively correlated with the area of woodland fragments and negatively correlated with... -
Patrones de dispersión del lince ibérico (Lynx pardina) en Doñana e implicaci...
In this work 29 Iberian lynx deaths are reported, 21% of which were caused by vehicles in a road bordering the western side of the Doñana National Park. This high mortality rate... -
Artificial lights and seabirds: is light pollution a threat for the threatene...
Petrels are among the most threatened group of birds. On top of facing predation by introduced mammals and incidental bycatch, these seabirds have to deal with an emerging... -
Complementary use by vertebrates of crossing structures along a fenced Spanis...
Fenced roads fragment terrestrial vertebrate populations, the individuals of which are forced to cross these infrastructures using transverse structures inherent to the road’s... -
Surveying drainage culvert use by carnivores: sampling design and cost-benefi...
Environmental assessment studies often evaluate the effectiveness of drainage culverts as habitat linkages for species, however, the efficiency of the sampling designs and the... -
Enhancing wildlife conservation in road corridors by applying best maintenanc...
Road maintenance provides us excellent opportunities to reduce road’s impacts on wildlife as well as road-wildlife hazards. Mitigation measures maintenance also play a key role... -
Roadkill as a threat to global mammal conservation.
The ongoing expansion of the global road network and the associated growth in traffic intensity represent a threat for many vertebrate species. With 25 million kilometres of new... -
Incorporating acoustic objectives into Forest Management Planning when sensit...
Background The potentially negative effects of timber harvesting on biodiversity and habitat conservation leads to the consideration of a wide range of restrictions to forest...