Evaluación de la exposición a elementos inorgánicos (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, ...
En el presente estudio, se han analizado las concentraciones de nueve elementos inorgánicos (cromo, manganeso, níquel, cobre, zinc, arsénico, selenio, cadmio y plomo) en... -
Sexual reproduction and seed banks of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson mead...
Flowering, fruiting and seed germination of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson are recurrent in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon and other places on the southeast... -
Extreme storms during the last 6500 years from lagoonal sedimentary archives ...
Storms and tsunamis, which may seriously endanger human society, are amongst the most devastating marine catastrophes that can occur in coastal areas. Many such events are known... -
Using multi-actor labs as a tool to drive sustainability transitions in coast...
En este trabajo se utilizaron laboratorios multiactor (MAL), una forma de experimentos sociales del mundo real, en tres regiones costero-rurales de Francia (Charente Cuenca... -
Fenologia de las algas del Mar Menor (Murcia, SE de España)
Se estudia el comportamiento de 75 macrófitos del Mar Menor. Estos presentan diferentes adaptaciones a las condiciones de la laguna (pérdida de parte del talo en el periodo... -
Before, during and after the Dana of September 2019 in the region of Murcia (...
In September 2019 a DANA affected the Southeast of Spain with a special impact on the Segura Basin and the Region of Murcia. Heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding, very... -
A root zone modelling approach to estimating groundwater recharge from irriga...
In irrigated semi-arid and arid regions, accurate knowledge of groundwater recharge is important for the sustainable management of scarce water resources. The Campo de Cartagena... -
New Strategies to Improve Co-Management in Enclosed Coastal Seas and Wetlands...
Enclosed coastal seas and wetlands are areas of high ecological value with singular fauna and flora, but several cases of environmental catastrophes in recent decades can easily... -
Proteger y defender la Manga del Mar Menor: Estudio histórico-arqueológico de...
During the Sixteenth century, the North African pirates’ attacks hit peninsular coasts, including the southeast peninsular. In this situation, La Manga del Mar Menor was... -
Abandoned mine sites as a source of contamination by heavy metals: A case stu...
Mining and milling operations, including grinding, concentrating ores and disposal of tailings, along with mine and mill waste water, provide obvious sources of contamination in... -
Metal bioaccumulation pattern by Cotylorhiza tuberculata (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa...
Coastal lagoons are ecosystems highly vulnerable to human impacts because of their situation between terrestrial and marine environment. Mar Menor coastal lagoon is one of the... -
Delimitación mediante técnicas de teledetección de las superficies de cultivo...
La expansión de la superficie de regadío se define como una de las principales causas de la eutrofización del Mar Menor en la actualidad. La explotación descontrolada de los... -
Is coastal lagoon eutrophication likely to be aggravated by global climate ch...
Coastal zones are widely recognised as being particularly vulnerable to future environmental change. Although a significant number of previous papers warn of an increasing... -
Notas sobre la flora algal bentónica de la costa murciana (S.E. de España)
Se indica hábitat y fenología en las costas murcianas de: Bonnemaisonia clavala (Woodward) C. Agardh, Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux, Hypnea cewicornis J.... -
Physiological response and photoacclimation capacity of Caulerpa prolifera (F...
The macroalga Caulerpa prolifera colonized the Mar Menor coastal lagoon after the enlargement of the main inlet in 1972, coexisting now with the previous Cymodocea nodosa... -
A systematic review on microplastic pollution in water, sediments, and organi...
Coastal lagoons are transitional environments between continental and marine aquatic systems. Globally, coastal lagoons are of great ecological and socioeconomic importance as... -
Evolución del proyecto urbano en La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
El presente trabajo como principal objetivo el análisis de los cambios y transformaciones en el proyecto urbano propuesto en los diferentes planes realizados para la... -
Application of an integrated catchment-lake model approach for simulating eff...
Climate change is simultaneously affecting lakes and their catchments, resulting in altered runoff patterns in the catchment and modified mixing and biogeochemical dynamics in... -
Plankton under Pressure: How Water Conditions Alter the Phytoplankton–Zooplan...
Transitional waters (TWs), such as coastal lagoons, are bodies of surface water at the transition between saline and freshwater domains. These environments play a vital role in... -
Ecología y ordenación del territorio: el caso del Mar Menor y ecosistemas ady...
Este trabajo describe la fase de diagnosis y evaluación de impactos de un estudio ecológico integrado del área del Mar Menor y ecosistemas adyacentes. Los resultados obtenidos...