Assessment of sediment metal contamination in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (S...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon is one of the largest of the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient mining activities in the mountains near its southern basin have resulted in metal... -
Long term evolution of fisheries in a coastal lagoon related to changes in la...
Mediterranean coastal lagoons are among the most productive of marine ecosystems but, at the same time, they are strongly affected by anthropogenic pressures that could alter... -
This lagoon is effectively a person, new Spanish law says
Only a few years ago, the clear, shallow waters of Mar Menor, a saltwater lagoon off eastern Spain that is Europe’s largest, hosted a robust population of the highly endangered... -
The Stenohaline Seagrass Posidonia oceanica Can Persist in Natural Environmen...
The Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica is generally regarded as a stenohaline species, highly sensitive to salinity increments; however, in a few particular... -
Heavy metals in the sediments of two Spanish coastal systems and their transf...
Trace metals are one of the group of pollutants considered in the European Directives (WFD) and the Marine Strategies as potential toxicants and their levels should be... -
Mobilisation of AS and trace metals in saline, acidic Sopolic Technosols: the...
Purpose The aim of this work was to study the risk of As and metal pollution in saline wetlands affected by slightly acidic mine wastes, in the presence or absence of a plant... -
Potentially toxic element input into Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) through...
Mar Menor, on the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain, is a coastal lagoon with a surface of 135 km2 , surrounded by agriculture fields and several towns, that support an... -
Evaluación del índice de vulnerabilidad costera en la Manga del Mar Menor (Mu...
Uno de los efectos más visibles del Cambio Climático es la subida del nivel del mar por el derretimiento de las masas de hielo terrestre. Para calcular la vulnerabilidad costera... -
Assessment of Ostrea stentina recruitment and performance in the Mar Menor la...
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon representing one of the most iconic natural areas in Southeastern Spain. However, it has suffered several catastrophic... -
¿Lagunas como sujetos de derechos? El Mar Menor y la Ley 19/2022
Análisis crítico de la Ley de Iniciativa Popular 19/2022, mostrando su génesis y los movimientos en que se inspira: esta ley pretende el reconocimiento de personalidad jurídica... -
Identificación de posibles vertidos de desalobradoras en la cuenca vertiente ...
Este informe aporta información de nuevos posibles vertidos identificados desde marzo de 2017 así como una evaluación del estado de aquellos que habían sido identificados con... -
La iniciativa legislativa popular para el reconocimiento de personalidad jurí...
Las razones que han llevado a la ciudadanía española a proponer una ley que reconozca la personalidad jurídica de la laguna del Mar Menor y su cuenca y dote de derechos propios... -
Interspecific comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and persistent o...
The bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was characterized in cockle, oyster and... -
Genetic diversity and connectivity remain high in Holothuria polii (Delle Chi...
Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature, which fluctuate in both space and time.... -
Biofuling en cascos de embarcaciones deportivas en el Mar Menor y Santa Pola ...
Se ha realizado un estudio taxonómico y de la comunidad de biofouling en los cascos de los barcos deportivos de San Pedro del Pinatar y Santa Pola. Para poder interpretar las... -
Revealing polychaetes invasion patterns: Identification, reproduction and pot...
An established population of the polychaetous annelid Perinereis linea (Treadwell) is reported for the first time outside its native distribution range (NW Pacific). This exotic... -
Sentinel-2 Satellites Provide Near-Real Time Evaluation of Catastrophic Flood...
Flooding is among the most common natural disasters in our planet and one of the main causes of economic and human life loss worldwide. Evidence suggests the increase of floods... -
Role of rhizosphere and soil properties for the phytomanagement of a salt mar...
The goal of this study was to evaluate the soil properties and their modifications within the rhizosphere of spontaneous vegetation as key factors to assess the phy tomanagement... -
Las estrategias de desarrollo urbano sostenible integrado como modelo de inte...
The future of our cities is determined by the current processes of regeneration and transformation of the woven urban to comply the "city compact", understood this as "(...) a... -
Simultaneous solution for water, heat and salt balances in a Mediterranean co...
A modelling approach is proposed to evaluate the environmental dynamics of coastal lagoons. The water, heat and salt balances are addressed simultaneously, providing a better...