El oso pardo en Asturias.
Noisances due to road construction in a brown bear habitat led to it being no longer used as a reproductive area for this species. Las molestias generadas por la construcción de... -
Resultado de los proyectos Life-lince en trabajos de desfragmentación de hábi...
Resultado de los proyectos Life-lince en trabajos de desfragmentación de hábitats producidos por vías asfaltadas en Doñana-Aljarafe. Palabras clave: Fragmentación de hábitat,... -
Response of vertebrate scavengers to power line and road rights-of-way and it...
Linear infrastructures, such as power lines and roads, are an important source of bird mortality. However, little is known on the potential effect of these infrastructures on... -
Accidentes producidos por la presencia de animales en la calzada.
Se analizan los accidentes de circulación en los que se vieron implicados animales (domésticos o silvestres) en España entre 1 de febrero de 2003 y 31 de enero de 2004, a partir... -
Bird community structure and species responses to edges in laurel forest frag...
We examined interacting effects of habitat structure, topographic landscape, road edge and vehicle traffic (density and noise), on bird species composition, abundance and... -
Carnivores cross irrigation canals more often through overpasses than through...
As rainfall becomes scarcer or more erratic, we rely more on irrigation systems for agricultural and human water provision. Impacts of irrigation canals such as the barrier... -
Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en ...
Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norte. Palabras clave: Bosque, Fragmentación, Mamíferos,... -
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal.
Landscape and population drivers of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Portugal. -
COST 341. La fragmentación del hábitat en relación con las infraestructuras d...
COST 341. La fragmentación del hábitat en relación con las infraestructuras de transporte en España. -
Effects of forest fragmentation on european birds: implications of regional d...
Aim: In this paper, we adopted a large-scale approach to evaluate the effect of regional richness of forest birds on the number of bird species retained by forest fragments in... -
Evaluating connectivity between Natura 2000 sites within the montado agrofore...
The Natura 2000 network is the centerpiece of European nature conservation policy but its effectiveness is challenged by ongoing landscape change. Our objective was to assess... -
Estudio previo de afecciones a la fauna silvestre en la autovía el Norte.
This is a report of almost two years of data collection of road kills on a highway in Navarra province (N Spain). One hundred and sixty-six casualties were recorded, with a... -
Efectos de las vías de circulación sobre los vertebrados terrestres.
Impact of roads on vertebrates, from their planning, construction, and use. They review both direct (road casualty, pollution, and barrier effect) and indirect (urbanization,... -
Identification and development of habitat defragmentation priority projects, ...
Within the framework of the European Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the Green Infrastructure Communication Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital, the Directorate General... -
Ecotecnología aplicada a la restauración de infraestructuras de transporte.
La ecotecnología1 es un concepto surgido a princi-pios de la década de los sesenta. La definición de este término ha generado mucha discusión en la lite-ratura científica,... -
Photoactive roadways: laboratory, field and modeling insight on the impact of...
Photoactive roadways have been suggested as a mitigation method to improve air quality in urban areas. However, difficulties translating laboratory results to real world... -
Are protected areas truly protected? The impact of road traffic on vertebrate...
The extension of road networks is considered one of the major factors affecting fauna survival. Roadkill has been documented widely and affects all taxonomic groups. Although... -
Nightjars, rabbits, and foxes interact on unpaved roads: spatial use of a sec...
Linear developments, such as roads and firebreaks, can increase encounter rates between predator and prey, which could affect predator–prey interactions and community dynamics.... -
Uncapped tubular poles along high-speed railway lines act as pitfall traps fo...
Man-made ecosystems, such as those associated with transport infrastructure, are common worldwide, offering both opportunities and risks to wildlife. Thus, it is essential to... -
Roads as overlooked drivers of change in bird communities.
Road networks are expanding globally, promoting numerous impacts on biodiversity, resulting in important changes in species occurrence patterns, but there is still a lack of...