On-board video recording unravels bird behavior and mortality produced by hig...
Large high-speed railway (HSR) networks are planned for the near future to accomplish increased transport demand with low energy consumption. However, high-speed trains produce... -
Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Feli...
In this work 29 Iberian lynx deaths are reported, 21% of which were caused by vehicles in a road bordering the western side of the Doñana National Park. This high mortality rate... -
Auditing and control programs: putting EIA recommendations for ecological imp...
If we examine the EIA process in different countries, it seems that it is linked to a previous phase of discussion of projects, through the administrative process.This previous... -
Environmental impact of road transport traffic. A case study for County of La...
The continuous increase of vehicle fleet along with the development of road transport networks has associated a wide range of externalities. Main types of externalities refer to... -
Predicting fragmentation effects on wildlife habitats of future planned infra...
Collserola Park is situated within the greater metropolitan area of Barcelona, close to the Mediterranean coastline. The park occupies some 8,000 ha of predominantly Aleppo pine... -
Invaders on the road: synanthropic bird foraging along highways.
Intercity roads potentially offer a high availability of easily accessible food and could therefore be expected to represent a preferential area for synanthropic bird foraging.... -
Los accidentes de circulación causados por especies de caza mayor en Castilla...
El estudio realizado lo ha sido a partir de los datos obtenidos entre enero de 1999 y junio de 2002, de accidentes causados por animales de caza en Castilla y León. El total de... -
Connectors ecològics: identificació i anàlisi de la seva funcionalitat per a ...
Connectors ecològics: identificació i anàlisi de la seva funcionalitat per a la dispersió de vertebrats. -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
One local road (C-344 Arcos-El Bosque-Grazalema) and one national road (N-342 Jerez-Arcos-Bornos; S Spain) were exhaustively surveyed, along with lighter surveys of most of the... -
Species or group of species to predict roadkill likelihood?
Roadkill likelihood using either species or group of species does not reach to same results. Spatial, climatic, and temporal patterns are consistent within the class Reptilia.... -
Efectos de la fragmentación forestal sobre la fauna de vertebrados: revisión ...
Efectos de la fragmentación forestal sobre la fauna de vertebrados: revisión y antecedentes de su estudio en España. Objetivos del estudio. Palabras clave: Fauna, Bosque,... -
Las aves comunes reproductoras en España: población en 2004-2006.
Exposición de los resultados sobre la evolución de las poblaciones de aves reproductoras mediante muestreos repartidos por toda España entre los años 2004 y 2006. -
Análisis de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por el jabalí (Sus scrofa) e...
Análisis de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por el jabalí (Sus scrofa) en Cataluña. Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Jabalí -
Road edge effects on litter invertebrate communities of subtropical forests.
We assessed road edge effects on leaf-litter macroinvertebrates in laurel and pine forests in Tenerife (Canary Islands), studying composition, abundance, richness and diversity,... -
Road maintenance guidelines to improve wildlife conservation and traffic safety.
In recent decades, significant efforts have been made, and a considerable amount of money has been invested in designing and constructing wildlife measures on road networks.... -
Accidentes de tráfico con animales silvestres.
Accidentes de tráfico con animales silvestres. Palabras clave: Fauna, Siniestralidad con fauna, Caza -
Towards next level in Road Ecology: from counting road-kills to assessing pop...
Roads are currently one of the main attributes of human-dominated ecosystems. Aimed to improve the socio-economic conditions of local communities, the global road network is... -
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta.
Patrones de distribución de las aves en encinares fragmentados de la Meseta. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosque, Fragmentación, Vertebrados -
Dictamen sobre el impacto global de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Barcelo...
Dictamen sobre el impacto global de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Barcelona-frontera francesa sobre la fauna y sus hábitats. Propuesta de medidas correctoras. Palabras... -
The effects of a motorway on movement behaviour and gene flow in a forest car...
Roads represent barriers to animal movement due to physical obstruction, mortality, or behavioural avoidance. The population-level consequences of such constraints remain poorly...