Plackett Burman design for microplastics quantification in marine sediments
Microplastics are gaining worldwide attention due to their omnipresence. The marine environment is one of the most affected systems; especially the sediment compartment.... -
Ley 3/2020, de 27 de julio, de recuperación y protección del Mar Menor
El grave desequilibrio que el estado ecológico del Mar Menor atraviesa en los últimos tiempos es causa de creciente preocupación para el Gobierno regional y para toda la... -
A System for Monitoring Marine Environments based on Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring a coastal shallow water marine environment is presented. The study area is located in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon,... -
Characterization of benthic communities in a subaqueous dune field on the con...
Multibeam swath bathymetry, sediment and benthos samples (including both epifauna and infauna) and submarine images were explored to characterize benthic communities in a... -
Study of groundwater flow from temperature data using inverse methods. Applic...
Los objetivos principales de este trabajo son la caracterización adimensional de escenarios, la obtención de soluciones universales, así como su representación gráfica, y la... -
Phthalates, organotin compounds and per-polyfluoroalkyl substances in semicon...
In this work two sensitive areas of the Spanish coast located in the Atlantic (Ria de Vigo) and Mediterranean (Mar Menor lagoon) have been studied regarding their contamination... -
La simbiosis algal en Elysia timida Risso 1818. Primeros resultados
Se presentan los primeros datos acerca de la simbiosis del opistobranquio sacogloso Elysia timida, relativamente abundante en la zona litoral del Mediterráneo ibérico y muy... -
Occurrence of selected endocrine disrupting compounds in Iberian coastal area...
The spatial and temporal distribution of selected endocrine disrupting compounds (4-tert-octylphenol, 4-n-octylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol, nonylphenol, and bisphenol A) in two... -
Aquifer recharge from intensively irrigated farmland. Several approaches
In the past decades a large body of literature has focused on the assessment of the natural recharge and parameters of control (including climate, vegetation, soils, and... -
Life cycle of the jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) and it...
Rhizostoma pulmo is one of the most abundant scyphomedusae along the Mediterranean coasts. To understand changes in the population densities of the medusa stage and its... -
Condition of Gobius cobitis (Pallas, 1811) juveniles in the Mar Menor coastal...
Se investigaron las relaciones, a nivel de localidad, entre el estado de condición de los juveniles de Gobius cobitis y las variables del hábitat. Fueron analizadas las... -
Las ramblas del Campo de Cartagena. Problemática ambiental de la Laguna del M...
El Campo de Cartagena, es una unidad hidrogeológica amplia y compleja situada en el sudeste de la Región de Murcia, en el que no existen cursos permanentes de aguas superfi... -
El Mar Menor. Relaciones, diferencias y afinidades entre la laguna costera y ...
La localización del Mar Menor, en el sureste de la península Ibérica, condiciona la totalidad de sus características ambientales —su génesis reciente se inició hace 18.000 años—... -
Changes in soils and vegetation in a Mediterranean coastal salt marsh impacte...
This paper reports changes in vegetation distribution and species cover in relation to soil factors and hydrology in a semiarid Mediterranean salt marsh adjacent to the Mar... -
Differences in spatial and seasonal patterns of macrophyte assemblages betwee...
Although benthic macrophytes must be considered in monitoring programs to establish the ecological status of transitional and coastal waters in the European Union, the patterns... -
New approach to chlorophyll a determination in shallow coastal waters by remo...
A new conceptual approach for chlorophyll a estimation by remote sensing in coastal shallow waters has been developed on the basis that the coefficient of water attenuation can... -
Diseño del software de control de un UUV para monitorización oceanográfica us...
Los vehículos submarinos no tripulados (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, UUVs) se diseñan para misiones de monitorización, inspección e intervención. En estudios oceanográficos y... -
Calibration of structure in a distributed forecasting model for a semiarid fl...
Flash floods pose a significant danger for life and property. Unfortunately, in arid and semiarid environment the runoff generation shows a complex non-linear behavior with a... -
Presencia de Amphipholis squamata en el Mar Menor (Murcia)
En el Mar Menor, una laguna hipersalina del SE español, el ofiuroideo Amphipholis squamata se ha encontrado en escaso número. -
The morpho-tectonic setting of the Southeast margin of Iberia and the adjacen...
Multi-beam bathymetry and high-resolution low-penetration seismic reflection profiles of the offshore extensions of the Betic Internal Zone off Sierra de Cartagena-La Union...