Road-effect zone: a tool for the environmental impact assessments and ecologi...
Road-effect zone: a tool for the environmental impact assessments and ecological compensation proposals. Palabras clave: Collision, Compensatory measure, Environmental impact... -
An objective approach to select surrogate species for connectivity conservation.
Connected landscapes can increase the effectiveness of protected areas by facilitating individual movement and gene flow between populations, thereby increasing the persistence... -
A review of searcher efficiency and carcass persistence in infrastructure-dri...
Infrastructures in natural areas are expanding rapidly worldwide. Consequently, roads, power-lines, and wind-farms cause millions of fatalities across several animal groups.... -
Perspectiva histórica de los estudios de impacto ambiental de las carreteras ...
Una perspectiva histórica de los estudios de EIA. Hasta 1991 únicamente los grupos ecologistas dedicaron esfuerzos en España a la obtención de datos sobre el impacto de las... -
Habitat selection, activity peaks and strategies to avoid road mortality by t...
Little owls (Athene noctua) were censused 200 times at night with the aid of a light intensifier along a 40 km road-transect which ran across habitats allowing enough... -
Spatial analysis of amphibian road mortality levels in northern Portugal coun...
Animal mortality caused by vehicle collisions is one of the main ecological impacts of roads. Amphibians are the most affected group and road fatalities have a significant... -
Efectos del cambio climático sobre las interacciones entre las infraestructur...
Efectos del cambio climático sobre las interacciones entre las infraestructuras lineales de transporte y la biodiversidad. -
Major roads have a negative impact on the tawny owl Strix aluco and the littl...
The increasing road networks threaten ecosystems by direct effects such as increased mortality due to collision with vehicles and by various indirect effects leading to road... -
Pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat: efecto sobre la conservación de las espe...
Pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat: efecto sobre la conservación de las especies. -
Mortalidad de rapaces en carreteras españolas.
Se realizó una prospección durante dos años en España y los resultados demostraron que las rapaces significaron el 5% de los animales muertos. De ellas, la mayoría son especies... -
The role of remote sensing data in habitat suitability and connectivity model...
Ecological modeling requires sufficient spatial resolution and a careful selection of environmental variables to achieve good predictive performance. Although national and... -
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna.
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna. Palabras clave: Evaluación del impacto ambiental, Fauna, Línea ferroviaria de alta velocidad, Seguimiento -
A comparison on the response to forest fragmentation by medium-sized iberian ...
We studied the use of forest fragments by five medium-sized carnivore species in 280 forest fragments on the two Iberian plateaus. We looked for indirect evidence (faeces,... -
Noise pollution mapping approach and accuracy on landscape scales.
Noise mapping allows the characterization of environmental variables, such as noise pollution or soundscape, depending on the task. Strategic noise mapping (as per Directive... -
Dinámica del riesgo de ignición en un área de interfase urbano-forestal.
La aceleración del proceso masivo de urbanización dispersa en zonas de interfase urbano-forestal reafirma la necesidad de aplicar políticas de prevención de los incendios... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Informe preliminar sobre la mortalidad de vertebrados en las carreteras de la provincia de Madrid. La frecuencia de distribución fue: mamíferos (65%), aves (9%) y anfibios (9%).... -
Hotspot maps of roadkills: how important is the sampling frequency?
In order to minimize the negative impacts of roads on wildlife mortality and fragmentation, ecologists and road managers have been working together on assessing spatial patterns... -
Dogs are the main species involved in animal-vehicle collisions in southern S...
Animal-vehicle collisions have become a serious traffic safety issue. Collisions have steadily increased over the last few decades, as have their associated socio-economic... -
Why keep areas road‐free? The importance of roadless areas.
Roadless and low‐traffic areas are typically large, natural or semi‐natural areas that have no roads or few roads with low‐traffic volume. They are relatively unaffected by... -
The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat...
The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat suitability in a human‐modified landscape.