Aggregations of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in a hypersaline en...
The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species native to estuaries and coastal regions of the western Atlantic Ocean, was first introduced into the Black Sea in the early 1980s,... -
El regadío en la Región de Murcia. Caracterización y análisis mediante indica...
Se trata de un trabajo de investigación que caracteriza la situación actual del regadío de la Región de Murcia mediante indicadores de gestión. Además se aportan análisis de... -
Efficient irrigation management can contribute to reduce soil CO2 emissions i...
Irrigation water restrictions in the Mediterranean area have created a growing interest in water conservation. Apart from environmental and economic benefits by water savings,... -
Urbanisation and tourism in the Campo Cartagena-Mar Menor area (Murcia, Spain...
The building boom (1998-2007) that took place along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where the Region of Murcia is situated, produced an enormous increase in the extent and... -
Long-term sediment records reveal over three thousands years of heavy metal i...
Este trabajo revisa la evolución espacio-temporal de los principales metales pesados de esta laguna costera a partir de datos de 272 muestras de sedimentos superficiales... -
Anatomical and ultrastructural studies of chemical defence in the sponge Dysi...
The marine sponge Dysidea fragilis from El Mar Menor, a hypersaline coastal lagoon (Murcia, Spain), contains the furanosesquiterpenoid ent-furodysinin as the major secondary... -
Cymodocea nodosa vs. Caulerpa prolifera: Causes and consequences of a long te...
Seagrass communities are under direct threat as a result of anthropogenic impact and competition with macroalgae. Present day macrophyte meadows in the Mar Menor are the result... -
Contrastes naturales en la Región bioclimática del Mediterráneo (EXTRACTO DEL...
Gestión de la franja costera: un enfoque integrado. Extracto del Libro "Contrastes naturales en la Región bioclimática del Mediterráneo". El término “costa” hace referencia a... -
Antropización de un sistema acuífero multicapa mediterráneo (Campo de Cartage...
En esta Tesis Doctoral se han tratado tres aspectos principales o ejes de investigación: i) la reinterpretación de datos históricos de diferente índole para reconstruir la... -
The Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) of the Mar Menor as a model for t...
The Mar Menor, a coastal lagoon in south-eastern Spain of high environmental value and protected by the Natura 2000 network, suffered an intense phenomenon of eutrophication in... -
Sea snail (Hexaplex trunculus) and sea cucumber (Holothuria polii) as potenti...
The seasonal bioaccumulation of trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) in sea snail... -
Biodiversity impacts by multiple anthropogenic stressors in Mediterranean coa...
Mediterranean coastal wetlands are considered biodiversity hot-spots and contain a high number of endemic species. The biodiversity of these ecosystems is endangered by several... -
Presence and distribution of current-use pesticides in surface marine sedimen...
The spatial and seasonal distributions of current-use pesticides (CUPs), including triazines, organophosphorus pesticides, and tributylphosphate, were characterized in surface... -
Long-term coexistence between the macroalga Caulerpa prolifera and the seagra...
The potential negative influence of the seaweed Caulerpa prolifera on the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was explored in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, Spain) where the... -
Assessment of the Programme of Measures for Coastal Lagoon Environmental Rest...
The degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems has given rise to the creation of specific protection rules. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Water Framework... -
Impact assessment of agricultural inputs into a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ...
The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon threatened by the development of intensive agriculture in the surrounding areas. Large amounts of pesticides from these areas are discharged... -
Desarrollos metodológicos en geología del subsuelo para la caracterización de...
Dos son los objetivos fundamentales de este trabajo. El primero consiste en desarrollar metodologías para la modelación geológica 3D y consiguiente evaluación de las reservas... -
La pesca artesanal en el Mar Menor
La evolución de la población pesquera del Mar Menor y de los rendimientos socioeconómicos en el período de sesenta años comprendidos entre la información que nos dejara... -
Modelling of a strong flood event on the Mar Menor coastal lagoon with ROMS
The objective of the OPAL (ref: PID2019-110311RB-C22) project is to identify and assess the major pathways delivering nutrients, trace metals and pollutants originated from... -
Terrestrial birds as indicators of agricultural-induced changes and associate...
During the last decades, agricultural intensification has modified the hydrology of Mediterranean wetlands, as has occurred in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain)....