Diseño de una Infraestructura de datos espaciales sobre agricultura y agua en...
La integración de múltiples fuentes de datos espaciales es esencial para el desarrollo de los servicios públicos en todos los dominios temáticos. Estos servicios son... -
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes and metal concentration in food webs from...
Two food webs from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, differing in the distance from the desert-stream through which mining wastes were discharged, were examined by reference to... -
Economic valuation of coastal lagoon environmental restoration: Mar Menor (SE...
Coastal lagoons are a special type of boundary ecosystem between marine and terrestrial environments, which in many cases are threatened by human activities developed in the... -
Aproximación ecotoxicológica a la contaminación por metales pesados en la lag...
Descarga de residuos mineros en la laguna copstera del Mar Menor: comportamiento y distribución de los metales y oxicidad asociada al agua. Valoración de la contaminación por... -
Características granulométricas de los depósitos aluviales en el Campo de Car...
Granulometric characteristic of the alluvial formations in the Cartagena field (Spain). The succession semi-arid environmental conditions which have affected the area of... -
Inversión territorial integrada (ITI) del Mar Menor
El objetivo de este documento es definir la Inversión Territorial Integrada denominada “ITI del Mar Menor”, con la que se pretende contribuir al logro de los objetivos de la... -
Site selection for European native oyster (Ostrea edulis) habitat restoration...
The European native oyster (Ostrea edulis) is a threatened keystone species which historically created extensive, physically complex biogenic habitats throughout European seas.... -
Pycnogonid ecology in the Mar Menor
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon in the SW Mediterranean. A study of pycnogonids was based on 52 samples from the different benthic communities found in the lagoon,... -
Estimación de la contaminación agrícola en el Mar Menor mediante un modelo di...
The Campo de Cartagena is an ample lowland drained by several ephemeral channels flowing into the coastal lagoon of Mar Menor, having a high ecological and tourist value. During... -
The Encanizadas of Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain): a case of recovery from a su...
This paper reviews the historical evolution, physical structure, physiographic and hydrographic conditions where the traditional fishing activity called encanizadas is... -
The last interglacial in the Mediterranean as a model for the present intergl...
Deposits of the Last Interglacial on the south and southeastern coasts of Spain are shallow marine and coastal sediments, with a warm fauna of Strombus bubonius. These units... -
Estudio de Impacto Territorial del Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de Sa...
El informe evalua el Impacto Económico y Financiero que para la Hacienda Pública Local tendrá la implantación de las nuevas infraestructuras necesarias para el desarrollo... -
Science and the legal rights of nature
Laws that establish legal rights for nature are being pursued in a growing number of countries to protect the environment. The success or failure of these rights-of-nature laws... -
Protección del medio marino y sus especies en el Mar Menor: un punto de vista...
Ante la crisis ambiental por la que está pasando actualmente el Mar Menor, provocado por un cúmulo de actuaciones derivadas de las diferentes actividades urbanísticas,... -
Phytoplankton Distribution in Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon (SE Spain) during 2017
The Mar Menor is a Spanish coastal lagoon of great ecological and economic interest. The agricultural and tourist activities developed in the surroundings of the lagoon,... -
El litoral del Mar Menor. Sector septentrional
Trata los siguintes temas: 1) Un perfil topográfico establecido a partir de la batimetría lagunar y litoral mediterráneo, 2) Comportamiento de batimétrico de las aguas del... -
Fatty acid composition and chilling resistance in the green alga Caulerpa pro...
Plant resistance to chilling injury depends on the maintenance of membrane functions, An increase in the degree of unsaturation of membrane fatty acids can help maintain... -
Composition, structure and distribution of the ichthyoplankton in a Mediterra...
The species composition and assemblage structure of the ichthyoplankton from the Mar Menor Lagoon in south-east Spain are given. The fish larvae were sorted from zooplankton... -
Modelado de ecosistemas
A partir de los ecosistemas estudiados por esta área, se pretende validar como los modelos numéricos pueden servir como herramienta para la elaboración de estudios de... -
La gente es consumidora de mitos…El mito turístico del Mar Menor
El objetivo de este trabajo se concreta en un intento por hacer recobrar la memoria e invitar a utilizar la experiencia, con el único propósito de evitar o mitigar buena parte...