Comentarios acerca de la mortalidad en carreteras de la lagartija roquera (Po...
Observaciones sobre la distribución espacial de atropellos de la lagartija roquera (Podarcis muralis). Palabras clave: Siniestralidad con fauna, Autopista, Lagartija,... -
Effects of linear infrastructures on the composition of local vertebrate scav...
Vertebrate scavengers provide an essential ecosystem service through the removal of carrion in natural landscapes, including wildlife casualties caused by linear infrastructures... -
El impacto de las carreteras en las poblaciones de anfibios.
El impacto de las carreteras en las poblaciones de anfibios. Palabras clave: Anfibios, Barrera, Siniestralidad con fauna, Fragmentación de Hábitat -
Improvements in high-speed rail network environmental evaluation and planning...
High Speed Rail (HSR) in Spain began in 1992 and curently has a network of about 3400 km. In this 25-year period, accessibility has progressively increased, and its spatial... -
Mesures preventives i correctores dels impactes de les infraestructures viàri...
Revisió bibliogràfica dels efectes de carreteres i ferrocarrils sobre la fauna, marc legislatiu a Catalunya per evitar impactes de carreteres i ferrocarrils sobre la fauna i... -
Soil development at the roadside: a case study of a novel ecosystem.
Over the last few decades, road construction has increased dramatically, and new surfaces have appeared in most landscapes. Standard roadside reclamation practices often fail,... -
Twenty years of road ecology: a topical collection looking forward for new pe...
The European Journal of Wildlife Research introduces a new Topical Collection focused on Road Ecology. This Topical Collection aims to be a useful tool for the development of... -
Accidentes producidos por la presencia de animales de gran tamaño en las carr...
Accidentes producidos por la presencia de animales de gran tamaño en las carreteras. Palabras clave: Punto de conflicto, Colisión, Ciervos, Fauna, Carretera, Mortalidad,... -
Mortalidad de vertebrados por atropello en las riberas del Miño en Orense.
Se ha investigado la mortalidad de vertebrados debido a las colisiones con vehículos en dos carretera: un tramo de 12 km en una carretera antigua de 40 años (OR-402) y un tramo... -
El TAV y el águila perdicera (Hieraäetus fasciatus): Resultados de las medida...
La afectación por parte del proyecto constructivo del Tren de Alta Velocidad a un sector de cría de una pareja de águilas perdiceras situada en El Penedès, comportó que la... -
Road verges are refuges for small mammal populations in extensively managed M...
Understanding how roads affect the persistence of animal populations is one of the challenges of road ecology. Small mammals are of great interest on account of their value as... -
Otter distribution and agriculture in southwestern Spain.
Otter distribution and agriculture in southwestern Spain. Palabras clave: Arable land, Otter -
Effects of forest fragmentation on a guild of wintering passerines: the role ...
Effects of forest fragmentation on a guild of wintering passerines: the role of habitat selection. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat -
Assessing highway permeability for the restoration of landscape connectivity ...
Some highways were built in the Basque country before environmental impact assessment processes required the implementation of wildlife crossing structures. Some highway sectors... -
No evidence of a threshold in traffic volume affecting road-kill mortality at...
Previous studies have found that the relationship between wildlife road mortality and traffic volume follows a threshold effect on low traffic volume roads. We aimed at... -
Estimating roadkill risk when there is no roadkill data.
The most common way to quantify roadkill risk in different sections of infrastructures is to collect information on the location of casualties and then, model the probability... -
Spatial patterns of road mortality of medium–large mammals in Mato Grosso do ...
Context Brazil has one of the richest biodiversity and one of the most extensive road networks in the world. Several negative impacts emerge from this interaction, including... -
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos.
Recuperación de hábitats para la fauna y prevención de impactos. -
Analysis and management of current road traffic noise.
Road traffic noise is one of the major environmental pollutants in cities around the world that continues to increase over the years despite the implementation of regulatory... -
Predicting spatiotemporal patterns of road mortality for medium-large mammals.
We modelled the spatiotemporal patterns of road mortality for seven medium-large mammals, using a roadkill dataset from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (800 km of roads surveyed...