Recovery of eutrophized marine ecosystems using the European flat oyster, Ost...
The development of tourism and intensification of agriculture has released large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus into the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in South-east Spain,... -
Reducing nitrogen contamination from agricultural subsurface drainage with de...
Reactive nitrogen leaving agricultural fields through subsurface drainage systems enters aquatic systems and contributes to eutrophication, habitat degradation and loss of... -
Bursatella leachii from Mar Menor as a Source of Bioactive Molecules: Prelimi...
Marine invertebrates contain nutritionally important elements that make them suitable to be included in the human diet, and they are considered an outstanding source of... -
Distribution and abundance of Cymodocea nodosa meadows and Pinna nobilis popu...
The Mar Menor (135 km2 ) is one of the most important hypersaline coastal lagoons in the Western Mediterranean Sea, its bottoms were originally colonized by monospecific meadows... -
Assessing different methods to quantify Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) is recognized as a major source of water and solutes to the coastal ocean, and it is particularly relevant in arid or semi-arid zones. SGD... -
Richness and diversity of helminth species in eels from a hypersaline coastal...
The composition and diversity of parasite communities and intestinal components, as well as infra-community structure, were assessed in eels Anguilla anguilla, from Mar Menor, a... -
La catástrofe del Mar Menor: catarsis educativa desde lo sonoro y lo visual
Este artículo parte de la asfixiante situación del Mar Menor, al sureste de España, la cual se ha visibilizado en los últimos tiempos con la aparición de toneladas de peces... -
Integrated chemical and biological analysis to explain estrogenic potency in ...
A biological screening was performed to establish the total exposure to estrogenic compounds of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) collected at several sites along the Spanish... -
Genetic differentiation of Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) populations in the Sou...
Genetic variation at 10 enzyme loci was analysed in Elysia timida sacoglossan mollusc samples, originating from both coastal lagoon and marine sites. The observed heterozygosity... -
Copper and lead complexation by dissolved organic matter in Mar Menor coastal...
Mar Menor coastal lagoon is a shallow system with a reduced exchange with the open sea, that is affected by several anthropogenic pressures, mainly agriculture and mining. The... -
Crustal thinning and mafic underplating beneath the Neogene Volcanic Province...
Three metapelitic xenolith suites in the Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) of SE Spain (from SW to NE: El Hoyazo, Mazarron and Mar Menor) originated by partial melting at... -
Nutrient overload promotes the transition from top-down to bottom-up control ...
The excess input of nutrients that triggers eutrophication processes is one of the main destabilizing factors of coastal ecosystems, being coastal lagoons prone to suffer these... -
Whose waters, whose nutrients? Knowledge, uncertainty, and controversy over e...
This work explores the role of knowledge claims and uncertainty in the public dispute over the causes and solutions to nonpoint-driven overfertilization of the Mar Menor lagoon... -
El epifitismo ficológico en el Mar Menor (Murcia)
El penilago marino Mar Menor (Murcia) se encuentra exento de exploraciones ficológicas y con objeto de añadir algunos detalles a su ficoflora se realizó una excursión botánica... -
Machine Learning for Detection of Macroalgal Blooms in the Mar Menor Coastal ...
The Mar Menor coastal lagoon in southeastern Spain has experienced a decline in water quality due to increased nutrient input, leading to the eutrophication of the lagoon and... -
Effects of eutrophic water flooding on nitrate concentrations in mine wastes
Salt marshes near urban, industrial and mining areas are often affected both by heavy metals and by eutrophic water. The aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the main... -
Precipitaciones, aridez, sequía y desertificación de la Comarca del Campo de ...
La comarca del Campo de Cartagena es extraordinariamente seca y árida; nuestro análisis se centra en la evolución de las precipitaciones en las que se observan ciclos de sequía... -
Gestión del abastecimiento de agua en una región semiárida: análisis del cons...
La comarca del Campo de Cartagena – Mar Menor es un área de características semiáridas con sequía estructural y donde la carestía de agua ha sido constante en la historia,... -
Biología trófica de los juveniles del género Liza (Pisces: Mugilidae) en la l...
En el presente trabajo se presentan datos sobre la alimentacion de juveniles de tres especies de mugílidos presentes en la laguna costera del Mar Menor: Liza saliens (Risso,... -
Murcia: La inactividad administrativa desemboca en la degradación ambiental d...
Si hay un acontecimiento ambiental que ha marcado singularmente el año 2016 en la Región de Murcia y ha obligado a posicionarse a los poderes públicos y a los principales...