Assessing groundwater residence time in a highly anthropized unconfined aquif...
Radiocarbon decay is rarely used to assess the residence time of modern groundwater due to the low resolution of its long half-life in comparison to the expected range of ages.... -
Phytomanagement of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by min...
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combining liming and vegetation for the phyto management of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by mine... -
GIS Assessment of Mass Tourism Anthropization in Sensitive Coastal Environmen...
On the Mediterranean coast, the tourism activity which has developed since the 1950s has become a mass tourism industry in recent decades, cohabitating with natural spaces of... -
Design and Deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network for the Mar Menor Coastal ...
The Coastal Ocean Observation System of Murcia Region (OOCMUR) was established in 2008 as a major scientific and technological infrastructure in Spain with the main objective of... -
La creación del mito de La Manga del Mar Menor a través de la promoción turís...
La entidad de los Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) fue la encargada de construir una imagen identitaria del país acorde a los intereses políticos del Régimen. En el caso del... -
European eels and heavy metals from the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain)
Heavy metal pollution is related to the fall in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) populations. The Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) is home to an endangered population of this... -
Informe de Sostenibilidad Ambiental - Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de...
Informe de Sostenibilidad Ambiental - Plan General Municipal de Ordenación de San Javier -
Detection of Haplosporidium pinnae from Pinna nobilis Faeces
Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) is the largest bivalve endemic to the Mediterranean. It is distributed in a wide range of coastal environments, including estuaries. Pinna nobilis... -
Analysis of alcohol polyethoxylates and polyethylene glycols in marine sediments
Alcohol polyethoxylates (AEOs) are the most commercially important type of nonionic surfactants, used in a wide variety of products such as household cleaning detergents,... -
Presence of pesticides throughout trophic compartments of the food web in the...
The main paths of some pesticides and their levels in the trophic compartments of the benthic food web of the Mar Menor, an oligotrophic coastal lagoon located in the SE of... -
Estimating groundwater use patterns of perennial and seasonal crops in a Medi...
This work explores the use of satellite-based vegetation indices (VI) to study groundwater use in a semiarid agricultural irrigated area. The objective is to obtain insight in... -
Migraciones turísticas, una herramienta contra la estacionalidad: La Manga de...
A lo largo de la costa existen innumerables entornos que por sus características climáticas y paisajistas se han transformado en núcleos turísticos. Entornos que, debido a un... -
Geomorfología litoral del Mar Menor
En esta revista se tratan los siguientes temas: 1) Caracteres Generales del Campo del Mar Menor.-Las direc trices estructurales. Modelado. El clima. Vegetación. Suelos.-11) El... -
Spatial and temporal variations of hydrological conditions, nutrients and chl...
The Mar Menor is a sheltered and hypersaline lagoon, with salinity ranges between 38 and 51 psu. The lagoon is threatened by several pressures and in the last decades... -
Procesos hidrodinámicos en la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal investigar diferentes procesos y factores que afectan a la hidrodinámica de la zona de descarga de los acuíferos costeros y en la... -
Implementing deficit irrigation scheduling through plant water stress indicat...
A three-year experiment on early nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Flanoba) trees was carried out with the aim of increasing water use efficiency through applying a... -
Detecting changes resulting from human pressure in a naturally quick-changing...
To detect changes in ecosystems due to human impact, experimental designs must include replicates at the appropriate scale to avoid pseudoreplication. Although coastal lagoons,... -
Seguimiento de los cambios de usos y su influencia en las comunidades natural...
En los espacios mediterráneos, los patrones globales de cambio en el uso y aprovechamiento del territorio apuntan a una polarización general de los usos, en un extremo las... -
Population dynamics and relationship with environmental conditions of three s...
Blooms of jellyfishes are perceived to have increased during the last decades causing interference with human activities of both recreational and professional type. Those blooms... -
Rhizosphere and flooding regime as key factors for the mobilisation of arseni...
The occurrence of mining areas in the vicinities of salt marshes may affect their ecological functions and facilitate the transfer of pollutants into the food chain. The...