Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Se prospectaron carreteras en Cartagena (SE España) registrando los atropellos detectados. Las carreteras prospectadas se localizaban próximas a la costa. Las especies más... -
The presence of rabbits adjacent to roads increases polecat road mortality.
Road mortality is an increasing problem for terrestrial vertebrate conservation due to the increase of both road numbers and vehicle flow. We hypothesize that the probability of... -
Permeability of roads and railways to vertebrates: the importance of culverts
Culverts seem to increase the permeability of roads and railways for a wide set of vertebrate groups (amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, lagomorphs, and carnivores). None of... -
Hit the road Jane! Roads decrease the relatedness for females lesser horsesho...
The understanding of how human-induced habitat disturbance shapes the contemporary population structure and gene flow at fine-spatial scale is key for adequate management of... -
Mainstreaming biodiversity in transport infrastructure management thanks to s...
Biodiversity and transport sectors use data and tools for specific purposes which can often be mutualised offering opportunities for costefficient improvement of transport... -
Accidentes de tráfico causados por especies cinegéticas de caza mayor en la p...
El incremento sustancial de los accidentes de tráfico provocados por fauna silvestre está relacionado, sin duda, con el progresivo aumento en la última década de algunas... -
Effects of roads on insects: a review.
In the last few decades, mounting evidence points to a negative impact of roads on several groups of animals. Most studies on the effects of roads on animal populations... -
IENE Biodiversity and Infrastructure. A handbook for action.
IENE Biodiversity and Infrastructure. A handbook for action. -
Roadkill mortality decreases after road inauguration.
The main factors affecting specific road casualty rates are related to life-history traits, road features, and landscape variables. After road inauguration, roadkill rate and... -
Effects of leafing and position on nest predation in a mediterranean fragment...
Effects of leafing and position on nest predation in a mediterranean fragmented forest. Palabras clave: Bird, Forest, Fragmentation, Habitat fragmentation -
Survival rates and causes of mortality of Testudo graeca hatchlings in southw...
Fifty-nine newly born individuals of Testudo graeca were followed under natural conditions by means of thread-trailing, from august-september until their death, disappearence or... -
Roads, forestry plantations and hedgerows affect badger occupancy in intensiv...
There is increasing interest in understanding how to retain wildlife in agricultural landscapes, thereby contributing to global biodiversity conservation efforts. Here we... -
A spatial approach for modeling amphibian road-kills: comparison of regressio...
Road networks are the main source of mortality for many species. Amphibians, which are in global decline, are the most road-killed fauna group, due to their activity patterns... -
Ungulate: vehicle collision rates are associated with the phase of the moon.
The phase of the moon can affect activity patterns of nocturnal animals, and may also affect visibility for motorists. However, surprisingly little is known about whether the... -
Transportation planning and quiet natural areas preservation: aircraft overfl...
Global transportation growth causes several disproportionate impacts on the environment as, for instance, noise pollution which is related to negative effects on human health... -
Bird roadkill occurences in Aragon, Spain.
Bird roadkill occurences in Aragon, Spain. The increase in road networks and vehicular traffic has posed a major threat to vertebrates over the last century. Although it is... -
Infrastructure features outperform environmental variables explaining rabbit ...
Human disturbance is widespread across landscapes in the form of roads that alter wildlife populations. Knowing which road features are responsible for the species response and... -
The role of dry ledges and combined fencing in maintaining landscape connecti...
The role of dry ledges and combined fencing in maintaining landscape connectivity for carnivores. Palabras clave: Bench, Connectivity, Fauna passage, Fence, Highway, Landscape,... -
Changes in plant species composition and litter production in response to roa...
Road density has increased in the Canary Islands' forests during the last century, affecting an unknown amount of forested area. We studied road effects on vegetation in the... -
El uso de drenajes y otros pasos no diseñados para fauna por vertebrados terr...
Impacto del TAV Madrid-Sevilla sobre la fauna. Palabras clave: Alcantarilla, Drenaje, Fauna, Seguimiento, Vertebrados