Predictive Diagnosis of Agricultural Periurban Areas Based on Territorial Ind...
The Mediterranean southeastern area of Spain has traditionally been known as the Orchard of Europe. This configuration, which is based fundamentally on traditional agriculture... -
ICZM Strategy for the Socioecological System of the Mar Menor (Spain): Method...
Lessons learned from the process of the ICZM Strategy as part of the socioecological system of the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) may well be of interest to coastal managers. ICZM... -
The Mar Menor: Action at last to save a dying sea
The largest permanent saltwater lagoon in Europe, situated in the south-east of Spain, has been experiencing spells where seabed vegetation, fish and crustations die because of... -
Percepción de los nuevos paisajes residenciales en el entorno del Mar Menor
En la última década, el entorno del Mar Menor ha experimentado una notable transformación territorial derivada de la implantación de nuevos paisajes residenciales como medida de... -
Primer registro de la fase juvenil de la anguila europea Anguilla anguilla en...
La anguila europea Anguilla anguilla (Linneo, 1758) es una especie eurihalina tradicionalmente considerada catadroma, es decir, pasa parte de su vida en el mar y otra parte en... -
Metagenomes of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons
Coastal lagoons, both hypersaline and freshwater, are common, but still understudied ecosystems. We describe, for the first time, using high throughput sequencing, the extant... -
Sinopsio sobre la creación de filtros verdes para la reducción de la contamin...
El objetivo es examinar y debatir la creación de filtros verdes para la reducción de la contaminación por efluentes en el Mar Menor. Elaborar unas conclusiones para la ejecución... -
Estudio de las variaciones del nivel del mar frente a La Manga del Mar Menor ...
El intercambio de agua entre el Mar Menor y el Mediterráneo esta forzado por las diferencias de nivel del mar entre ambos. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las... -
Effects of mining wastes on a seagrass ecosystem: metal accumulation and bioa...
Two different Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson beds growing in mining-contaminated sediments were compared with two reference beds in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. The... -
Mediterranean coastal lagoons review: sites to visit before disappearance
Coastal lagoons are an established priority habitat in the European environment because of the biological communities that inhabit them. Their origin is related to the transport... -
¿Un Levante feliz? Los planes de desarrollo turístico para El Saler y La Mang...
Interpretado por Manolo Escobar en 1970 en En un lugar de la Manga, un joven artesano se resiste a vender una pequeña parcela ubicada en la virgen Manga del Mar Menor, donde el... -
When maintaining ecological integrity and complexity is the best restoring to...
Coastal lagoons and estuarine environments are naturally stressed systems due to their high physicochemical variability (Elliott & Quintino, 2007). The species living in... -
The impact of marine pollution on the probability of business failure: A case...
The impact of coastal water quality and its interaction with business results is still an unexplored field. This study uses a probit model and estimates marginal effects to... -
Los derechos de la naturaleza y la iniciativa legislativa popular para recono...
Las razones que han llevado a la ciudadanía española a proponer una ley que reconozca la personalidad jurídica de la laguna del Mar Menor y su cuencay dote de derechos propios a... -
A Review of Knowledge on the Impacts of Multiple Anthropogenic Pressures on t...
Mediterranean coastal lagoons provide important ecological functions and nature’s contribution to people, but they are particularly vulnerable to multiple pressures due to their... -
Using the radium quartet to quantify submarine groundwater discharge and pore...
The specific ingrowth rates of different radium isotopes make them valuable tracers to distinguish processes occurring at different temporal scales. Here we demonstrate the use... -
Ecological Impacts of Agribusiness Transformation in a Spanish Mediterranean ...
In recent decades, most Spanish Mediterranean agricultural regions have been transformed to meet global food demands and have joined global agricultural production networks: a... -
Can an oligotrophic coastal lagoon support high biological productivity? Sour...
Coastal lagoons are among the most productive systems in the world. Many marine species make use of this by entering the lagoons as juveniles for nursery and growth before... -
Evaluating Groundwater Management Sustainability under Limited Data Availabil...
In recent years, many researchers have devoted their efforts to finding an objective measurement of sustainability by developing evaluation tools based on sustainability... -
Chronicle of a forecast flood: exposure and vulnerability on the south-east c...
In recent years, floods have become one of the natural hazards that generate the greatest economic and human losses on the planet. As is well known, torrential rainfall events...