Improving senior tourism in the Mar Menor: an entrepreneurial viewpoint
The senior tourism segment has acquired vital importance in the tourism industry and is characterized by longer stays, less seasonality and greater spending than other segments.... -
The physio-geographical background and ecology of Mar Menor
This book is a major result of the LAGOONS research project (http://lagoons.web.ua.pt). LAGOONS stands for ‘Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European... -
Benthic Diatoms from the Hypersaline Mar Menor coastal lagoon: Taxonomy, phyl...
Introduction and objectives Diatoms are the most abundant group within benthic microalgae that form biofilms in aquatic systems. These communities play a key role in the... -
Recursos para la implantación del turismo marinero en el Mar Menor (Región de...
En los últimos años los municipios litorales de la Región de Murcia tratan de impulsar nuevas actividades turísticas con el fin de atraer visitantes durante todo el año. El Mar... -
Non-targeted analysis by DLLME-GC-MS for the monitoring of pollutants in the ...
Non-targeted analysis for the monitoring of organic pollutants resulting from agricultural and industrial practices, plastics and pharmaceutical products of seawater from the... -
Coastal Lagoons: Important Ecosystems
Lagoons are highly productive coastal features that provide a range of natural services that society values. Their setting within the coastal landscape leaves them especially... -
The relict population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor is facing an uncertai...
Pinna nobilis is undergoing one of the most dramatic events suffered by an endangered species. An emerging disease has relegated its populations to coastal lagoons or estuaries... -
Rights of Nature in Europe: The Spanish Lagoon Mar Menor Becomes a Legal Person
Following a popular initiative, the Spanish Parliament granted legal personality tot he lagoonof Mar Menor and gave the right to everybody to defend the lagoon's rights in... -
Population biology and habitat associations of benthic fish species in the sh...
En el presente estudio se investigaron las variaciones estacionales de la abundancia, la biomasa, status reproductor y la estructura de la población de cuatro especies de peces... -
Evaluación del Estado de Conservación de las Praderas de Cymodocea nodosa en ...
El Mar Menor es una laguna protegida hipersalina situada en el sudeste de España. Es una de las mayores lagunas costeras en la región del Mediterráneo, así como en Europa. Según... -
Stable isotope analysis reveals the feeding distribution of wintering great c...
Harmonizing biodiversity conservation and natural resource management often requires anticipating the potential impact that certain species can cause through their exploitation... -
Nutrient Bioaccumulation in Phragmites australis: Management Tool for Reducti...
We studied nutrient removal by Phragmites australis in the Albujn rambla, the main drainage system that discharges into the Mar Menor, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon of high... -
Evaluación económica del tratamiento de drenajes agrícolas en el Mar Menor (S...
La laguna costera del Mar Menor (SE Espana) viene sufriendo desde hace varias décadas un proceso de eutrofización y degradaeión de la calidad de sus aguas, provocado en gran... -
Proyecto de "Filtro Verde en el entorno de la desembocadura de la Rambla del ...
Es objeto del presente Proyecto el obtener de los organismos competentes las autorizaciones oportunas para poder ejecutar las obras descritas posteriormente. Así mismo, es... -
Genetic variability of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.: data from ...
European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., is an important commercial species along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline in both fishing and aquacultura. The artificial... -
Evaluation of the measures to reduce sediments and nitrogen inputs to the Mar...
In the past few decades, the Mar Menor lagoon has experienced an environmental deterioration, caused mainly by intensive agriculture and past open-pit mining activities. This... -
Levaduras en aguas costeras del Mar Menor y desembocadura del río Segura
Como parte de un trabajo más amplio sobre contaminación microbiana en áreas marinas, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de aislamiento y recuento de levaduras en diversos puntos... -
A holistic approach for determining the hydrology of the mar menor coastal la...
A combination of hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling can be applied to understand the hydrology and key water balance components of lakes and lagoons. In this research, the... -
Plan de gestión integral de los espacios protegidos del Mar Menor y la Franja...
Mediante Decisión de la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, en 2006 se apueba la Lista de Lugares de Importancia Comunitaria, actualizada en 2015, en la que se incluye este... -
Deep Learning Approach for the Prediction of the Concentration of Chlorophyll...
The goal of this research is to develop accurate and reliable forecasting models for chlorophyll ɑ concentrations in seawater at multiple depth levels in El Mar Menor (Spain)....