The influence of environmental variability of a coastal lagoon ecosystem on g...
As coastal lagoons serve as nursery areas for some marine and estuarine fish, selective pressures of these brackish or hypersaline lagoons may influence the genetic structure of... -
Comportamiento de la explotaciones de regadío del campo de Cartagena ante sit...
En este estudio se analizan los efectos de la sequía en las explotaciones del Campo de Cartagena. Para ello se ha seleccionado un conjunto de indicadores que permitan evaluar la... -
Stakeholder analysis and prioritization of management measures for a sustaina...
Agricultural and urban activities over the last decades have caused an environmental degradation of the social-ecological system of the Mar Menor, compromising the ecosystem... -
Extreme Flooding Events in Coastal Lagoons: Seawater Parameters and Rainfall ...
Climate change is one of the main problems currently strongly conditioning ecosystems all over the world. Coastal lagoons are amongst the most vulnerable habitats, and they are... -
Spatio-temporal Variation of Shallow Microhabitats and Associated Juvenile Fi...
Coastal lagoons are known to host numerous resident and migrant fish species. Spatio-temporal variation in abiotic and biotic conditions in these ecosystems results, however, in... -
La erosión costera de La Manga del Mar Menor (Región de Murcia) a partir de l...
En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de la evolución de las platas de La Manga mediante la digitalización de áreas urbanas, las playas y transectos costeros obtenidos... -
La gestión integrada del Mar Menor (Murcia, España): alcance territorial de u...
La laguna del Mar Menor (Murcia) se encuentra en un proceso acelerado de degradación ecológica que está produciendo una notable merma del bienestar humano. Las causas que... -
Application of Hydrological Simulation models to solve pollution impacts in t...
The use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture activity is a worldwide extended practice since decades for improving crops performance, which can cause, however, with... -
Toxicity characterization of surface sediments from a Mediterranean coastal l...
The occurrence of bioactive compounds and contaminant-associated effects was assessed by means of in vivo and in vitro assays using different extractable fractions of surface... -
Greenhouse gas dynamics in a coastal lagoon during the recovery of the macrop...
The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon with salinity values ranging from 41.9 to 45.5. The systemis subjected to a high anthropic pressure that causes an intense... -
Atlas de las aves acuáticas del Mar Menor y humedales de su entorno
Este atlas pretende constituir una herramienta actualizada y de utilidad técnica para la correcta gestión de las aves acuáticas y los humedales del entorno del Mar Menor. Sin... -
Evidence of microplastics in water and commercial fish from a high-altitude m...
Microplastic pollution is a widespread environmental concern. Like other anthro-pogenic pollutants, microplastics can reach aquatic ecosystems through rivers and interact with... -
Environmental management of Natura 2000 network areas through the combination...
The Spanish Ministry of Defense possesses more than 37,000 ha located within the Natura 2000 network. Defense activities require wide natural spaces that, over time, have become... -
In vitro screening for steroid endocrine disruptive and Ethosyresorufin-O-dee...
… -O-deethylase (EROD) inducing activity in surface sediments from Mar Menor lagoon … -O-deethylase (EROD) inducing activity in surface sediments from Mar Menor lagoon [2016] … -
Los canales del agua: abastecimiento y saneamiento en el Campo de Cartagena-M...
La comarca del Campo de Cartagena – Mar Menor se localiza en la región de Murcia, un espacio situado en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica, de clima mediterráneo con carácter... -
Bio-economic analysis of the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain) small-scale lagoon ...
An integrated fisheries management tool based on a bio-economic model was applied to the demersal fishery in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in SE Spain, with the objective of... -
An integrated Pan-European perspective on coastal Lagoons management through ...
A decision support framework for the management of lagoon ecosystems was tested using four European Lagoons: Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), Mar Menor (Spain), Tyligulskyi Liman... -
Assessment of oceanographic services for the monitoring of highly anthropised...
Ocean monitoring systems are designed for continuous monitoring to track their evolution and anticipate environmental issues. However, they are often based on IoT systems that... -
From ecological functions to ecosystem services: linking coastal lagoons biod...
In this review we highlight the relevance of biodiversity that inhabit coastal lagoons, emphasizing how species functions foster processes and services associated with this... -
Informe de evolución y estado actual del Mar Menor en relación al proceso de ...
El informe proporciona una visión general y objetiva, basada en el conocimiento científico disponible, sobre la evolución del ecosistema lagunar del Mar Menor y el estado actual...