Roads as drivers of population spreading: the case study of bee-eaters in Doñana.

In this study, we found that bee-eaters spread to theoretically suboptimal habitats to excavate their nests and colonize new areas. Studying this possible life strategy that can be carried out by wildlife inhabiting road proximities can help us to better understand the relationship between animals and infrastructures.

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Cite como

Suarez-Couselo M. Blas J. Román J. Bastianelli G. Carrete M. Revilla E. y D'Amico M. Roads as drivers of population spreading: the case study of bee-eaters in Doñana. Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe, 2023.

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Recuperado: 24 Feb 2025 07:03:31


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Fecha de creación 02-12-2024
Fecha de última modificación 02-12-2024
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Nombre del autor Suarez-Couselo, M., Blas, J., Román, J., Bastianelli, G., Carrete, M., Revilla, E. y D'Amico, M.
Nombre del editor Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe
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