The spatial distribution of animal casualties within a road corridor: implica...
We assessed wildlife roadkill spatial patterns focusing on asphalt roads in southern Spanish oak rangelands (“dehesas”). Four roads in the Sierra Morena range (Andalusia) were... -
Gestión forestal y conservación de las aves en España peninsular.
Gestión forestal y conservación de las aves en España peninsular. Palabras clave: Aves, Bosques -
Dades sobre les causes de mortalitat dels carnívors (Mammalia) als massissos ...
In a study aimed to detect causes of mortality among carnivores in Montseny (NE Spain) he found that traffic casualties are responsible of 23.7% of fox (Vulpes vulpes)... -
The influence of traffic noise on vertebrate road crossing through underpasses.
Noise produces multiple effects on ecosystems and it influences habitat use by vertebrates near roads. Thus, it may reduce the effectiveness of mitigation measures installed on... -
Estudio de los procesos erosivos en taludes de infraestructuras lineales en l...
De la revisión de la bibliografía sobre la restauración de taludes construidos sobre materiales no consolidados del entorno Mediterráneo, y posteriormente, de su contraste con... -
Perdida una pollada de águila perdicera por obras forestales.
Perdida una pollada de águila perdicera por obras forestales. Palabras clave: Ave rapaz, Perturbación, Bosque, Carretera forestal, Mortalidad -
Can we mitigate animal–vehicle accidents using predictive models?
Vehicle collisions with wild animals are a serious problem that justifies the widespread application of mitigation measures such as road fencing and provision of crossing... -
Forecast maps of potential economical damages caused by animal-vehicle collis...
Forecast maps of potential economical damages caused by animal-vehicle collisions. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna, Fauna casualty, Highway, Mitigation -
The effect of the moon in wildlife-vehicle collisions.
The phase of the moon is well known to affect activity patterns of animals at night, and may also affect visibility for motorists. However, surprisingly little is known about... -
Restoring ecological connectivity after the impact of transportation infraest...
Habitat fragmentation is one of the most outstanding impacts of transport networks in the landscapes and it has been identified as the main cause of biodiversity loss in Europe.... -
Estudio bionómico de la nutria (Lutra lutra L., 1758) en aguas continentales ...
Causes of death of 54 otters in the NE of Iberian Peninsula were investigated. Data referred to two periods: 1950-1980 and 1981-1993. Road casualties represented 16.7% of total.... -
Impacto de las carreteras sobre la fauna.
Example of barrier effects in France. When roads are accessible to animals, they represent a serious danger for both car drivers and themselves. Amphibians carcasses can lead to... -
Wildlife crossing structures in the mitigation for transportation projects: a...
Wildlife crossing structures are used to mitigate barrier effects and to reduce mortality. Many factors affect their effectivity, including typology, location and maintenance.... -
Individual spatial responses towards roads: implications for mortality risk.
Background Understanding the ecological consequences of roads and developing ways to mitigate their negative effects has become an important goal for many conservation... -
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds.
Height of the road embankment affects probability of traffic collision by birds. Palabras clave: Bird, Collision, Embankment, Mortality -
Wild boar and traffic safety: a major challenge in Europe.
Wild boar and traffic safety: a major challenge in Europe. Palabras clave: Collision, Fauna casualty, Highway, Mitigation, Traffic safety, Wild boar -
Changes in otter Lutra lutra distribution in Central Spain in the 1964–1995 p...
The partial recovery of the otter (Lutra lutra) in central Spain is explained by immigration from surrounding areas. Being migratory movements so important for otter... -
Responsibilidad por daños en colisiones de vehículos con animales de caza mayor.
It is discussed, in case of collisions between vehicles and big game in Spain, responsibilities that should be attributed to persons and institutions. These are hunters... -
Informe provisional del seguimiento de la mortalidad de vertebrados en las ca...
Preliminary frequencies of vertebrate casualties in Toledo province (central Spain): mammals (61%), birds (35%), amphibians (2%), and reptiles (1%). Frecuencias preliminares de... -
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its...
Assessing the stone marten’s patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes and its relation to road-killing occurences.