Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Application to Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain)

In recent years, the Mediterranean area has witnessed an increasing water shortage trend, mainly due to: increasing population and tourism (especially in coastal areas), new agricultural developments, decreased rainfall and water management issues. In some Mediterranean areas, precipitation is lower than 300 mm/year; the temporal variability of precipitation controls and affects both the quantity and quality of water resources, and is a source of freshwater availability inequalities. Droughts, as a result of temporal precipitation irregularities, are common in all areas and lead to lack of temporal water resources . In a number of Mediterranean basins, one of the main challenges is to secure a reliable water supply in both quantity and quality terms in order to guarantee sustainable use and enough resources, even during long inter-annual dry periods. In Spain, some technical and nontechnical solutions proposed for the different Basin Plans range from water transfers, public participation, economic measures, water saving, aquifer recharge, the development of new water supply sources (as seawater/brackish water desalination) to a more flexible water management system implementation according to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

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Cite as

AparicioJ. Candela L. Alfranca O. y García Aróstegui J. L. Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Application to Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain). Elsevier B.V., 2017.

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Retrieved: 24 Feb 2025 16:11:10


Basic information
Resource type Article
Date of creation 2024-11-05
Date of last revision 2024-11-05
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Metadata identifier 7560225c-9183-5a40-9d77-f531318efac4
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category Earth observation and environment
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Aparicio,J., Candela, L., Alfranca, O. y García Aróstegui, J. L.
Name of the dataset editor Elsevier B.V.
Other identifier DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2017.02.004
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