Edges of natural vegetation to increase the diversity of wild bees in agricultural field margins.

The transformation of natural ecosystems by the intensification of agriculture has negative effects on bee communities. “Operation Pollinator” aims to increase field diversity to enhance wild bee habitats. The assays were carried out during 2011 and 2012 in southern Spain. Edges of natural vegetation were created along margins of intensively managed vegetable fields. Edges of herbaceous and shrubby plants produced an increase in the number of most ofthe wild bee taxa. Revegetated edges had an impact in the structure of the bee community, increasing the number of taxa and diversity.

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Sánchez J.A. Carrasco A. La-Spina M. Ibáñez H. Canomanuel G. Ortiz-Sánchez F.J. López E. y Lacasa A. Edges of natural vegetation to increase the diversity of wild bees in agricultural field margins. International organisation for Biological Control (IOBC), 2014.

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Retrieved: 25 Feb 2025 09:18:52


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-12-02
Date of last revision 2024-12-02
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Metadata identifier 6b3bbc6b-8a62-5e23-9aa2-131aae6b909e
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Sánchez, J.A., Carrasco, A., La-Spina, M., Ibáñez, H., Canomanuel, G., Ortiz-Sánchez, F.J., López, E. y Lacasa, A.
Name of the dataset editor International organisation for Biological Control (IOBC)
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