Groundwater recharge in irrigated semi-arid areas: quantitative hydrological modelling and sensitivity analysis

For semi-arid regions, methods of assessing aquifer recharge usually consider the potential evapotranspiration. Actual evapotranspiration rates can be below potential rates for long periods of time, even in irrigated systems. Accurate estimations of aquifer recharge in semiarid areas under irrigated agriculture are essential for sustainable water-resources management. A method to estimate aquifer recharge from irrigated farmland has been tested. The water-balance-modelling approach was based on VisualBALAN v. 2.0, a computer code that simulates water balance in the soil, vadose zone and aquifer. The study was carried out in the Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain) in the period 1999–2008 for three different groups of crops: annual row crops (lettuce and melon), perennial vegetables (artichoke) and fruit trees (citrus). Computed mean-annual-recharge values (from irrigation +precipitation) during the study period were 397mm for annual row crops, 201mm for perennial vegetables and 194mm for fruit trees: 31.4, 20.7 and 20.5% of the total applied water, respectively. The effects of rainfall events on the final recharge were clearly observed, due to the continuously high water content in soil which facilitated the infiltration process. A sensitivity analysis to assess the reliability and uncertainty of recharge estimations was carried out.

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Jiménez Martínez J. Candela L. Molinero J. y Tamoh K. Groundwater recharge in irrigated semi-arid areas: quantitative hydrological modelling and sensitivity analysis. Springer Nature, 2010.

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Retrieved: 24 Feb 2025 19:21:53


Basic information
Resource type Article
Date of creation 2024-11-05
Date of last revision 2024-11-05
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Metadata identifier 5a09523d-bbdb-5291-a180-b9eabc8e2e9a
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category Earth observation and environment
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Jiménez Martínez, J., Candela, L., Molinero, J. y Tamoh, K.
Name of the dataset editor Springer Nature
Other identifier DOI: 10.1007/s10040-010-0658-1
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