Age and growth of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Me...
The age and growth of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Menor (SE Iberian Peninsula) were studied in samples taken from catches of local fishermen obtained... -
Individual Phenolics and Enzymatic Changes in Response to Regulated Deficit I...
The effect of long-term regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies on bioactive compounds and enzymes at harvest, during cold storage [0 8C, 90% to 95% relative humidity... -
Economic evaluation of small desalination plants from brackish aquifers. Appl...
In recent years, the Mediterranean area has witnessed an increasing water shortage trend, mainly due to: increasing population and tourism (especially in coastal areas), new... -
El turismo del Mar Menor: predominio de la segunda residencia
El Mar Menor por sus singularidades, tamaño de oferta y demanda e impacto económico sobre los municipios de la zona es, sin duda, el destino turístico más importante de la... -
Coastal Vegetation
The coastal vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula (including the Balearic Islands) is represented by a set of plant communities that colonize biotopes as diverse as sea cliffs,... -
Fertilization strategies for abating N pollution at the scale of a highly vul...
La región de Murcia (sureste de España) fue seleccionada como estudio de caso, ya que la sobrefertilización ha inducido graves problemas ambientales en la región última década,... -
Phosphoglucose isomerase variability of Cerastoderma glaucum as a model for t...
Extreme conditions of coastal lagoons could directly modify the genetic patterns of species. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of environmental conditions... -
The devise of the myth of La Manga del Mar Menor through the tourist promotio...
The entity of Noticiarios y Documentales (NO-DO) was commissioned to build an iden-tity image of the country according to the political interest of the Regime. In tourism case,... -
Orden de 16 de junio de 2016, de la Consejería de Agua, Agricultura y medio a...
El Programa desarrolla las principales actuaciones necesarias para reducir la contaminación por nitratos de origen agrario en aguas continentales y litorales, permitiendo... -
La Manga del Mar Menor, el fracaso de un modelo turístico insostenible
La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia) era un paraje virgen y de gran valor natural entre el Mar Mediterráneo y Mar Menor hasta los años 50, cuando comenzó su transformación en destino... -
Flash flooding in semiarid alluvial fan apron systems: processes, forms and h...
This paper presents a holistic analysis of the September 12–15, 2019, flash flood in the Mar Menor basin (Spain). The research aims to analyse the causal factors, define the... -
Evaluación Multicriterio del Acondicionamiento de Humedales: Las encañizadas ...
El Parque Regional de las Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar es un humedal salino situado al norte de la restinga que cierra el Mar Menor (Región de Murcia). Forma... -
Ethical Aspects of Water Use in the Campo de Cartagena and the Associated Imp...
In recent years, the Mar Menor, a large and emblematic hypersaline lagoon on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, has seriously deteriorated. This lagoon and the entire surrounding... -
Proposal of the “Wastewater Use Basin” Concept as an Integrated Sewage and Ra...
Semi-arid and arid regions are characterized by their water scarcity, which leads territories to seek ways of increasing the water resources available to meet their demands... -
Suitability of benthic macrophyte indices (EEI, E-MaQI and BENTHOS) for detec...
Different approaches based on macrophytes have been proposed in recent years to implement the European Water Framework Directive. However, their application to transitional... -
The Role of Leaky Boreholes in the Contamination of a Regional Confined Aquif...
Poorly constructed wells (leaky or without a gravel pack) and abandoned wells can behave as conduits for the interconnection of aquifers at different depths and facilitate the... -
Modelling the impact of dredging inlets on the salinity and temperature regim...
Coastal lagoons support intense human activity. Dredging or closing the inlets to regulate water exchanges in order to manage fisheries or improve navigation, prevent floods,... -
Fotografías de la exposición 'Anoxia en el Mar Menor'
Digitum: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Murcia: Fotografías de la exposición 'Anoxia en el Mar Menor' -
Photo-acclimatory thresholds anticipate sudden shifts in seagrass ecosystem s...
Trabajo científico que estudia y presenta resultados de cómo C. nodosa responde de forma no-lineal a cambios en la reducción en disponibilidad de luz. -
A modular and mesh-capable LoRa based Content Transfer Protocol for Environme...
Sensors are increasingly collecting data everywhere, changing how we relate to and manage the environment. These data answer scientific questions of researchers, but can also...